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Black Shark

Junior Member
Why do we have even a discussion if Russia is buying stuff from any country based on Western propaganda outlets? If it's not said by Russia itself then there is -100 trust points on such nonsensical statements from tabloids. Russia currently is leading in rocket science, there is not a single valid point to believe that narrative.


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Yes. The Three Gorges Dam is alot tougher to hit and destroy than many armchair generals like to assume. First, the Chinese government is serious about protecting that dam. The dam is very restricted for civilians to visit. It's as well protected as nuclear power plants

Second, for Taiwan to attack the Three Gorges Dam, it's militarily unfeasible. Taiwan's military is too limited in capability to pull that off. Not that it's impossible, but it'll cost them alot in terms of effort, the danger of retaliation, and the end result. Even if Taiwanese missiles made it through to their target, the Three Gorges damn has been engineered to withstand crashes from ships and airliners. So conventional cruise missile strikes are not likely gonna do too much damage. Taiwan doesn't have the stockpile to sustain bombardment to the point of the dam failing, and also attack other military targets. Plus the PLA will never allow anyone to attack the Three Gorges Dam with impunity.

Besides, for the DPP-controlled Taiwan to order a strike on the Three Gorges Dam is a blatant attempt at genocide of mainland Chinese citizens. It'll escalate any cross-strait conflict into a full-blown total war. The DPP is signing it's own death warrant for ordering such an attack.

Yeah I've seen plenty of 'what if stories' and wargame simulations on YouTube. All of them assumed the best case scenarios for the 'good guys' and handicapped the Chinese. Many times these scenarios conflict with each other.

Such as:

1) The PLA will only fight for politics. That means doing reckless military tactics or political stunts just to save the CCP's face.
2) The PLA are cowards. Their troops are one-child 'little emperors' who haven't seen war in generations. Hence they have pathetic morale, and cannot steady themselves in the face of battle.
3) The PLA's equipment is over-hyped, falling apart, or vastly inferior. So the damage to the good guys is limited at best.
4) When the good guys take hits from the PLA, they always do very well. Such as pilots successfully ejecting from burning jets. Sailors successfully evacuating a sinking ship. Or surrounded soldiers managing to fend off waves of PLA hordes.
5) When the PLA takes hits. It's always the worse case scenario. Ships sunk with all hands lost. Pilots going down with the planes. Or thousands of soldiers dying from human wave charges. Nevermind that PLA soldiers are supposed to be cowards.
6) When the good guys faces setbacks. Its 'tactical' defeat. But it'll rally the good guys to come back and fight harder. Because they have 'hope' that they are fighting for democracy and freedom.
7) When the PLA faces setbacks. It weakens the 'authoritarian grip' of the CCP. It destroys the Chinese morale. The Chinese people will rise up against the evil CCP. Because they love freedom.

When these idiots simulate wargame scenarios like this, they are setting themselves up for failure. That is why they've failed in wars like Korea, and Vietnam. That is why they have no answer to the BRI. That is why they criminally sucked at saving lives from Covid-19. That is why they are in this desperate situation from the Russia-Ukraine War. If the Mainland China-Taiwan conflict were to happen. It will blow up in their faces yet again.
It's a flat, sandbank type dam anyways, you would need a lot of nukes with direct hit to destroy it, since explosive force don't excel at vaporizing concrete.

In a nuclear war you'd probably be better off just using the 10 or so nukes on actual cities or where you think silos are located.

It's like the idea that China can carpet nuke (induce earthquake on) yellowstone to wipe the whole N.America off the map, an armchair fantasy that isn't that militarily feasible, when you can just use the 50 or so nukes on every major population center.


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I think they expect the bullets, missiles, etc to fall apart mid air while the tanks, boats, and jets to break down within a couple minutes because “meh made in gyna”
I think based on the Ukraine conflict, that's exactly what they expect. More of "70% of Russian missiles fail to hit their target" crap. I wouldn't be surprised that MSM will still be on full blast ridiculing Chinese weaponry even when PLA is marching down Taipei roads.


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A continuation of the Nanjing Buddhist temple scandal.
The government of Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, said local police detained a woman named Wu Aping as she enshrined the memorial tablets of Japanese war criminals in a local temple.
Amid public anger, the Nanjing government announced on Sunday that in December 2017, Wu, 32,
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who were involved in the Nanjing Massacre
during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), Iwane Matsui, Hisao Tani, Takeshi Noda, Gunkichi Tanaka and Toshikai Mukai at the price of 100 yuan per tablet per year. She also enshrined the tablet of an American missionary, Minnie Vautrin.
That was like 4+ years ago? Damn.

Wu told the monk at the temple that these people were her friends and paid 3,000 yuan ($444) at once to put the memorial tablets in the shrine for five years, according to the announcement.
Another woman, whose name was not unveiled, visited the temple in February and saw the tablets of the Japanese criminals and took photos. The monks in the temple then removed these tablets and informed the abbot about the issue. The abbot did not report the issue to related authorities and it did not catch the attention of the public until the photos were posted on social media on Thursday, according to the Nanjing government announcement.
The Nanjing government said that, after an investigation, they found that the move was totally an individual action by Wu and there was no instigation or conspiracy with others.
Wu deliberately did this. She paid 3000 yuan for it and lied that those were her 'friends'.

Wu told the authorities that she suffered psychological trauma and was haunted by nightmares after coming to Nanjing and learning about the history of the atrocities of the Japanese war criminals. After coming into contact with Buddhism, she came up with the wrong idea of "resolving grievances" and "getting rid of suffering" by enshrining the five Japanese war criminals who invaded China, Wu confessed.
Typical answer of a liar. "I am suffering from mental trauma, so I did what I did". I hope the police searches her house and do a proper background check. They might find out that she is a closet Nippon Kaigi.

She should face the descendants of the Nanjing massacre victims. Could they accept her stupid explanation that it was about "resolving grievances" and "getting rid of suffering"? How do you do that by enshrining the worse perpetrators? Their names belong in the museum and history books in the list vile criminals, not in a shrine!

The announcement said that the police detained Wu and are still investigating the issue.

The government dealt with the temple as it failed to check the identities of the names on the tablets and did not report the issue after finding out the names of Japanese criminals. The abbot of the temple was removed and is under investigation.

The issue revealed the loopholes in the city's management over religious venues. Several officials were punished, according to the announcement.
That is the trouble with religion these days. It is always exploited by the wicked. Apart from this attempted hijack of a Nanjing Buddhist temple, there were several other bad actors like the: 14th Dalai Lama's followers, FLG, Christian haters, Islamic Jihadists, Shinto Yasukuni Shrine, etc. This is why religion cannot be inside the government. That is why the screening of religion is extremely important, and no religion should ever be above the law.


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A continuation of the Nanjing Buddhist temple scandal.

That was like 4+ years ago? Damn.

Wu deliberately did this. She paid 3000 yuan for it and lied that those were her 'friends'.

Typical answer of a liar. "I am suffering from mental trauma, so I did what I did". I hope the police searches her house and do a proper background check. They might find out that she is a closet Nippon Kaigi.

She should face the descendants of the Nanjing massacre victims. Could they accept her stupid explanation that it was about "resolving grievances" and "getting rid of suffering"? How do you do that by enshrining the worse perpetrators? Their names belong in the museum and history books in the list vile criminals, not in a shrine!

That is the trouble with religion these days. It is always exploited by the wicked. Apart from this attempted hijack of a Nanjing Buddhist temple, there were several other bad actors like the: 14th Dalai Lama's followers, FLG, Christian haters, Islamic Jihadists, Shinto Yasukuni Shrine, etc. This is why religion cannot be inside the government. That is why the screening of religion is extremely important, and no religion should ever be above the law.
Wu herself is a monk. She doesn't care about this world. Leave her alone.


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More pointless gesturing.

As if anyone seriously believes Nancy Pelosi would go to Taiwan if the US military have warned against it. Last time it was the positive COVID test, I wonder what the excuse will be this time?

Or are we supposed to believe that the US democratic party are more hawkish than the military?
It's mostly US military's lives who would be lost if America does something like that. So it makes sense they're the ones complaining.

I actually hope they send her so her insider trading ass can be sent to the bottom of the ocean. There is nothing for China to lose from it, as there are no more cards US can play aside from starting a war, which the military leadership knows they will lose.

While I speak pessimisticly about the small numbers and insufficient funding of PLA, it's just because I don't believe in underestimating the enemy.

Realistically speaking, China still has the edge in tech, economy, morale and industry. If the leadership has deemed that the current budget is enough to deal with the US threat, then they are most likely correct.

America wouldn't survive full sanctions from China and every country China can rally. There wouldn't be enough goods to sustain an economy. Plus China can seize all American property in its area, which far exceeds whatever investments China made in US.


Registered Member
Wu herself is a monk. She doesn't care about this world. Leave her alone.
You idiot! She is a lay Buddhist, not a nun! Besides, monk is for males. Read the article FFS!

Anyway, if a monk enshrines WWII war criminals. Are you saying that should be left alone?

If an Imam calls for you to be beheaded and blown up. Should he be left alone?

If a preacher says that the Holocaust is fake, and the Nazis are the good guys. Should he be left alone?