Miscellaneous News

Rettam Stacf

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For two simple reasons :
  • Russia is not confident Indian Central Bank will not freeze Russian's foreign reserve in Rupees under US pressure.
  • As for Indian fiscal year ending March 2022, Russia exported ($9.86B) approximately 3 times more than her import ($3.25B) from India. And the trend will continue to diverge as India purchases more energy from Russia.
Hence, there is no point for Russia to hold any excess Rupees.
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Further evidence that India really covets taking Tibet. South Tibet is disputed territory, but not Tibet in China proper.

Why does the Indian Army need to study Tibetology? Is India planning to conduct military or covert operations in Tibet?

The moment the words 'invasion' and 'sinicization' is mentioned. It's all anti-China bullcrap. Teaching their military officers bullcrap is gonna result in bullcrap. It's just as dangerous as bad intelligence.

Sinicization of Tibet is not new, it's ancient history. India as a country only appeared in 1947. So there no contest. Tibet has been liberated already. They are living the best times that they have ever had. So why would they want to trade that for the return of serf owners, and the Indian caste system?

If Indian troops were to ever enter Tibet proper, they will realize painfully, that they won't be greeted as liberators by the locals. And that will be the real result of India's Tibetology courses for the Indian Army.
Wait so does this mean the Indian army will learn Tibetan language while the Tibetan dissidents exiled in India can barely speak the language themselves lol


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Oh boy the reactions from butthurt Jai Hinds over this announcement... one heck of a salt mountain man. "but muh Modi was best buddies, hand holding hand, with Russia!"

India now has to use yuan or dirham for certain payments. Imagine if Putin said: India must use Pakistan rupee to settle payments with Russia.
Serves them right for trying to play both sides. Modi should have gone 100% with the Americans or with the Russians. Now when they get crushed by China they'll have nobody to cry to.

It could have been worse, at least Russia didn't insist on only accepting yuan from India....


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The problem is India has weak engineering skills and what ever they produce is already part of western products and services. so there is not much left to trade. India will need to fundamentally restructure its economics. otherwise Arab traders and even Iranians will price gouge it. every one is in this business.

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