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Hypocritical Germany is being brought to its knees

Berlin loved to preach the virtues of net zero. Now it is being forced to confront its own policy failures

How would you like to be told by the government to spend no more than five minutes in the shower – or even urged to share a bath with a friend? That’s what’s happening in Germany, where
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. The crisis caused by Berlin’s dependence on Russian gas and oil makes our own cost of living crisis pale by comparison.

This week there was alarm across the Continent when Russia switched off the
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gas pipeline, supposedly for “routine maintenance”, until next week. Will the Kremlin switch it back on again? Vladimir Putin promises that Russia is still “ready to fulfill its obligations”, but few now trust the butcher of
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Not only the German public but their government are panicking about what will happen next.
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is being stored in huge underground freezers, but unless usage is drastically cut, supplies are expected to run out by January.

If so, Germany would face its worst slump since the 1940s, with the economy shrinking by more than 12 per cent, production in the flagship car industry collapsing by 17 per cent and up to six million jobs at risk. Family fuel bills are already due to rise by €2,000 per annum, and there are plans to provide emergency accommodation in town halls for those unable to heat their homes.

Hence Robert Habeck, the Green Party Vice-Chancellor, is appealing to families to reduce consumption. “I’ve never showered for [as long as] five minutes in my life,” he says. The energy minister boasts that he turns off his heating all day in winter because he is always out. This is cold comfort for families and the elderly, who don’t have a warm ministerial office to go to. Yet some landlords are already threatening to turn down the heating in blocks of flats, while local authorities are even switching off street lights.

Germans used to lecture their neighbours about environmental virtue. Not any more: fossil fuels such as gas are now deemed to be “clean”, while coal-fired power stations are back in business.

A bitter blame game has erupted over the disastrous decision to exit from nuclear power a decade ago, leaving the country wholly reliant on Russia. The reputation of the once-idolised
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is in tatters, but her successor,
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, is held responsible by two thirds of voters for the failure to safeguard energy security. The entire German political establishment has been caught with its environmentalist trousers down. Even a normally docile press cannot ignore the rank hypocrisy of an elite that preached “net-zero” to the rest of Europe but is now moving in the opposite direction.

That collective hypocrisy goes far beyond the politics of energy. Despite their crocodile tears about the war, to save their own skins Scholz and his coalition are in effect throwing Ukraine under a bus. Apart from a handful of howitzers, Berlin has neither given Kyiv heavy weapons nor boosted their production.

Meanwhile, Scholz’s much-trumpeted hike in military spending, announced last February, turns out to have been a flash in the pan. Germany’s depleted armed forces are to be cut back even further next year.

Even the supposedly hawkish Green foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, now merely wrings her hands, saying that “there is nothing to be done”. The prospect of rationing has already caused public support for backing Ukraine to decline: as food and energy prices continue to rise, 38 per cent of Germans want no punitive action against Russia.

Scholz is attempting to placate both his Nato allies and Putin, but has earned the respect of neither. In eastern, central and northern Europe, meanwhile, Germany under Scholz is more despised and distrusted than at any time since 1945.
Either an almighty bust-up in Berlin is coming, with a real possibility that the ruling “traffic light” coalition will implode, or it will capitulate to Putin.

Last week Scholz and his colleagues were toasting the fall of
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. But the German Chancellor faces a nightmare scenario of his own; his schadenfreude may prove to be short-lived.

Once admired and envied, Germany is now the textbook example of how much damage a misguided foreign and energy policy may do.


Registered Member
1- It avoids Iran
2- It avoids Turkey
3- Keeps the US engaged with Arabs and Israel
4- Increases US engagement with India and Europe
5- Lowers the price of energy for Europe.
6- Makes it easier for India to compete with China
it avoids Suez Canal. but bigger problem is that as Arabs get wealthy with higher oil prices they suck more labor from countries like India. which in turn send more money to India. which boost consumption. so end result is more consumption of oil and higher trade deficits. employing more Indians in higher wage jobs is not going to lower inflation for Europe.


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If that do happen, then this would very well happen in the US and elsewhere...
View attachment 93187
(From Homefront game trailer)
Holy shit, did every 3 letter agency from the US gov team up to make this propaganda piece masquerading as a game?

Whats funny is while this was released in 2011, the story is set in 2027, and I was going to peg that year that the US society pretty much collapses. Its always funny seeing life imitate art.

Hope someone makes a mod to play as the "antagonists" in the game, would be fun giving 'muricans a taste of their own medicine.
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No I mean what's with all these names like B3W, I2U2, Blue Dot, Partners in the Blue Pacific. It all sounds retarded.

I2U2? They listen to too much K-Pop and want to form a new K-Pop girls group??


View attachment 93195

What's the next grouping called? Here4U alliance?

Are these the same girl or different girls? I can't tell.


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Another Regime has been destroyed. Your up next Scholz.

Apparently, the President can reject the Prime Minister resignation lmao.

Italian prime minister Mario Draghi ordered back to parliament after president rejects his resignation​

Italy's prime minister Mario Draghi has offered his resignation - but the country's president has rejected it.

Mr Draghi, the widely respected former head of the European Central Bank, has been at helm of a broad coalition.

He said he would resign after a coalition ally pulled its support for the government earlier on Thursday.

However, President Sergio Mattarella turned down his resignation and told him to address parliament to get a clearer picture and see if he can still command a majority.

Mr Draghi could speak to parliament next week, most likely Wednesday, said Italian TV.

If the impasse can't be resolved, the president could find a caretaker leader or dissolve parliament and call an election as early as September or October.

An election was already due by early 2023.
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