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NATO has become a tool for the US to confront China as the US can't no longer have the power to challenge China alone.
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Sounds more and more like the elite club boys are panicking and scrambling to prevent China + the rest of the developing world from rising, because that would render their long-held privilages and their lordship over the rest of the world void.

Just a heads up: The New York City Emergency Management just broadcasted a nuclear attack PSA on how to prepare and react in case of a nuclear attack on NYC.

So nice of the woman explaining the procedures to start with "So there's been a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit. Ok?"

In reality, all of us here already know EXACTLY HOW & WHY that would happen.
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Registered Member
If that do happen, then this would very well happen in the US and elsewhere...
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(From Homefront game trailer)
This is what I don't get about sleepy Joe. Does he or the guys pulling his strings not realize that high gas prices, high debt and job insecurity are the top drivers of US economic instability because they suppress consumption?

They keep saying US is a consumer economy that depends on consumption. True. That doesn't mean US will always have high consumer spending, it means that the result of the US economic structure of the time is high disposable income for consumption. Consumer spending isn't oil or gas or iron ore, it's not a resource.
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Yellen tried hard to make China solely responsible for the Sri Lanka debt crisis when in fact most of the debts are owed to the Western entities. The West can work out their own debt reliefs with Sri Lanka. China doesn't need to be involved. Yellen is trying to force China to join the West and set the terms and coerce China to accept and play by the rules that imposed by the West.
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A new group called I2U2 was founded today. The members are Israel, UAE, India and the US. It is for coordination to better handle energy and food supply problems. But the composition of members is very interesting. The main focus of B3W (or whatever its constantly changing name is) is expected to be along the Mediterranean-Indian Ocean axis. This route:
1- It avoids Iran
2- It avoids Turkey
3- Keeps the US engaged with Arabs and Israel
4- Increases US engagement with India and Europe
5- Lowers the price of energy for Europe.
6- Makes it easier for India to compete with China

You need 6 countries for this route. Namely: India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Greece. This new I2U2 group has 3 of these countries plus the US. It will definitely expand in the future to include the other three and will switch its main concern to infrastructure investment. I am not bullish about the B3W since the US very likely won't fund it enough. But this I2U2 should get attention from China. China has good or neutral relations with 5 of the countries on the route. BRI's Belt (the sea route) should easily outcompete this. The only problem that remains is the US-funded Balochi terrorism. Military aid to Pakistan (Think of US military aid to Israel) may be a good investment.


Registered Member
A new group called I2U2 was founded today. The members are Israel, UAE, India and the US. It is for coordination to better handle energy and food supply problems. But the composition of members is very interesting. The main focus of B3W (or whatever its constantly changing name is) is expected to be along the Mediterranean-Indian Ocean axis. This route:
View attachment 93194
1- It avoids Iran
2- It avoids Turkey
3- Keeps the US engaged with Arabs and Israel
4- Increases US engagement with India and Europe
5- Lowers the price of energy for Europe.
6- Makes it easier for India to compete with China

You need 6 countries for this route. Namely: India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Greece. This new I2U2 group has 3 of these countries plus the US. It will definitely expand in the future to include the other three and will switch its main concern to infrastructure investment. I am not bullish about the B3W since the US very likely won't fund it enough. But this I2U2 should get attention from China. China has good or neutral relations with 5 of the countries on the route. BRI's Belt (the sea route) should easily outcompete this. The only problem that remains is the US-funded Balochi terrorism. Military aid to Pakistan (Think of US military aid to Israel) may be a good investment.

No I mean what's with all these names like B3W, I2U2, Blue Dot, Partners in the Blue Pacific. It all sounds retarded.

I2U2? They listen to too much K-Pop and want to form a new K-Pop girls group??



What's the next grouping called? Here4U alliance?


Registered Member
No I mean what's with all these names like B3W, I2U2, Blue Dot, Partners in the Blue Pacific. It all sounds retarded.

I2U2? They listen to too much K-Pop and want to form a new K-Pop girls group??


View attachment 93195

What's the next grouping called? Here4U alliance?
I2U2 stands for India, Israel, United Arab Emirates, United States of America. But it reads like "I too you too" which sounds extremely retarded. They will probably change this name too, just like the American infrastructure investment plan which gets a new name every few years since 2009. Also, "I too you too" will likely become "only you" when it comes to financing infrastructure.


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Super Moderator
I2U2 stands for India, Israel, United Arab Emirates, United States of America. But it reads like "I too you too" which sounds extremely retarded. They will probably change this name too, just like the American infrastructure investment plan which gets a new name every few years since 2009. Also, "I too you too" will likely become "only you" when it comes to financing infrastructure.
How about ME2 (Middle East 2).


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Italian PM Mario Draghi says he will resign as Rome’s coalition government collapses​

Mario Draghi on Thursday said he would quit as Italian prime minister, after a political party in his ruling coalition in Rome refused to participate in a confidence vote earlier on in the day.

“I will tender my resignation to the president of the republic this evening,” Draghi told the cabinet, according to a statement translated by Reuters, throwing Italian politics back into a fragile state of affairs.

“The national unity coalition that backed this government no longer exists,” he said.

Another Regime has been destroyed. Your up next Scholz.