Miscellaneous News


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  • The bipartisan legislation would make it official US policy that Tibetans have the right to ‘self-determination’
  • The measure rejects as ‘historically false’ the Chinese claims that Tibet has belonged to China since ancient times
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View attachment 93126
Well I hope that China is considering to turn up the heat on the US if this bill passes.

1) Start with raising prices of exports going to the US.

2) Begin to recognize the self-determination of Hawaii, California, Guam, Puerto Rico, and all lands belonging to the Native Americans.

3) Investigate US genocide and abuse on the Native Americans. There will be plenty of solid evidences. Bring it up to the UNHCR. Make some noise

4) With Russia, chair an investigation commission to investigate all US biolabs. That includes the origin of Covid-19 from those labs.

5) Curb the exports of rare earth metals to the US.

6) Again, prepare to select the 15th Dalai Lama. The Golden Urn is sitting somewhere in China. Prepare the candidates from Tibet, China. When the time comes, act fast to reincarnate the Dalai Lama.

7) Start to push harder for more non-USD settlements for imports coming into China.

8) Slowly transition settlements of Chinese export to the US from USD to Yuan. Not too fast, or it'll shock the Chinese economy. But do enough to put pressure on US importers. Let them say no until necessity forces their hands. Start by offering nice discounts and priority shipping for Yuan-settled orders. Let the US buyers make that decision to switch to Yuan.

9) Put more nukes into the Chinese inventory. That's the ultimate guarantee for keeping China safe from US aggression.
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Registered Member
Well I hope that China is considering to turn up the heat on the US if this bill passes.

1) Start with raising prices of exports going to the US.

2) Begin to recognize the self-determination of Hawaii, California, Guam, Puerto Rico, and all lands belonging to the Native Americans.

3) Investigate US genocide and abuse on the Native Americans. There will be plenty of solid evidences. Bring it up to the UNHCR. Make some noise

4) With Russia, chair an investigation commission to investigate all US biolabs. That includes the origin of Covid-19 from those labs.

5) Curb the exports of rare earth metals to the US.

6) Again, prepare to select the 15th Dalai Lama. The Golden Urn is sitting somewhere in China. Prepare the candidates from Tibet, China. When the time comes, act fast to reincarnate the Dalai Lama.

7) Start to push harder for more non-USD settlements for imports coming into China.

8) Slowly transition settlements of Chinese export to the US from USD to Yuan. Not too fast, or it'll shock the Chinese economy. But do enough to put pressure on US importers. Let them say no until necessity forces their hands.

9) Put more nukes into the Chinese inventory. That's the ultimate guarantee for keeping China safe from US aggression.
@Sardaukar20 the US need more ammunition to bargain with the Chinese, they hold a very weak card to play, for me bro its part of a tactic the US frequently use to browbeat its opponent. BUT will it work especially your point number 2, what's good for the gander is good for the goose and the the American will not foolishly unleashed a can of worm that may have serious consequences on them.


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Terrible news, one of our comrades serving from the shadow might have accidentally outed himself:
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Su Tseng-chang, "premier of ROC" wrote a card for Abe's funeral, small problem though:

He wrote "湾" instead of "灣". He's already on questionable ground because previously in a speech he
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, only it turned out Sun Yat-sen never said that line and it only appeared in the mainland TV show
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about the final days of Qing and early days of ROC.

Somebody needs to go over to his place and check for any paintings of Mt Emei.
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India is setting up a mechanism for international trade settlement in INR.

This is a paper from the Bank of India:
Indian Bank International Trade Settlement in Rupees.jpg
Indian Bank International Trade Settlement in Rupees 2.jpg

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To settle international trade transactions in rupees, a foreign bank will need to open a vostro account - an account that a correspondent bank holds on behalf of another bank - with an authorised Indian bank.

Indian banks would need prior approval from the Reserve Bank of India to act as correspondent banks.

Indian importers of goods or commodities such as oil or coal would make payments to these accounts in rupees. The accounts could then be used to pay Indian exporters in the local currency.

Surplus from vostro accounts could be used to invest in government bonds, and payment for projects and investments, the RBI said.

The US is India's biggest trading partner, I wonder how would the Americans take this.

Perhaps time for China to set up for trade settlements with India in Yuan. China imports from India far less than India imports from China. Let the Indians understand their place in the world order of industrial economies. China could jack up the prices of their exports going to India in USD, and INR settlement. But give better prices for Yuan-settlement exports. Let the Indian importers choose.
India's top trading partners in FYI 2021-2022.JPG


Registered Member
India is setting up a mechanism for international trade settlement in INR.

The US is India's biggest trading partner, I wonder how would the Americans take this.

Perhaps time for China to set up for trade settlements with India in Yuan. China imports from India far less than India imports from China. Let the Indians understand their place in the world order of industrial economies. China could jack up the prices of their exports going to India in USD, and INR settlement. But give better prices for Yuan-settlement exports. Let the Indian importers choose.


The news a week ago of an Indian cement firm buying Russian coal with yuan indicates INR is a cow dung currency that no reasonable person, company or government wants to touch with a 20-foot pole. Also the dung rupee has been depreciating massively, exceeded only by the Yen, maybe the Euro.... Supermarket toilet paper can preserve wealth better than the rupee.

I'm sure Hindus will say a collapsing rupee is good for exports, theoretically yes, but unfortunately for them the rest of the world isn't into cow dung cookies or cow piss beer.... so no to that one.

Jai Hind!
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Now Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey joining. If they really set up a BRICS reserve currency, it would be huge, though I don't know how that will happen.

Also Argentina previously applied to join. Maybe Iran next?

Dominoes are falling.
That's entire ME as well as North Africa's biggest country. If Iran & Saudis can be brought together where they don't have to look each other,but can continue to do business, We can kill West by simply suffocating it.
India is setting up a mechanism for international trade settlement in INR.

This is a paper from the Bank of India:
View attachment 93156
View attachment 93157

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The US is India's biggest trading partner, I wonder how would the Americans take this.

Perhaps time for China to set up for trade settlements with India in Yuan. China imports from India far less than India imports from China. Let the Indians understand their place in the world order of industrial economies. China could jack up the prices of their exports going to India in USD, and INR settlement. But give better prices for Yuan-settlement exports. Let the Indian importers choose.
View attachment 93158
WTF do we get from India that we would reserve INR? :rolleyes::rolleyes: