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It is cultural myopia. Imagine how Western countries would react if a Neo-Nazi is the head of a major state.
There is Ukraine. The West would not only tolerate, but actually support a Neo-Nazi government in Ukraine. Zelensky is not a confirmed Neo-Nazi himself, but everything he is doing has been in-line with Ukrainian Neo-Nazi ideology.

This Western cultural myopia created the conditions for the Russia-Ukraine war. Like with China's problem with Japan, the West, especially the US didn't bother to understand why Russia hates Nazis so much. Simply because WWII wasn't personal enough for the Americans. The US lost about 298k people in Europe, mostly military personnel. While the Soviet Union lost 27 million people, mostly civilians. To the Americans, war in Europe was about veterans returning home with war stories. For the Russians, it was almost every families suffering lost ones, witnessing unimaginable brutality, and rebuilding a war-torned nation. Same as with the US and Chinese experience in the Asia Pacific.

The Americans and the Western Europeans can never understand WWII like how the Russians and the Chinese could. In the early stages of WWII, the Western Europeans and their colonies capitulated rapidly to the Axis in Europe and the Asia Pacific. While China and the Soviet Union have taken blows hundreds of times more horrendous, they continued to fight the Axis powers. I would dare argue that the Soviet Union, and China did 70% of the fighting and dying against the Axis powers in WWII. The Soviets fought and destroyed 70% of the Germans in Europe. The Chinese fought 70% of the Japanese in the Asia Pacific. Without them, the Western Allies would not have had the opportunity to rally and finish the other 30% of the fighting, and to declare victory. Those ungrateful scums.


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any clues as to what might have been?
Probably nothing nuclear. Even if you didn't care about getting nuked in return, irradiating the waters around the Taiwan strait is just going to make any armed reunification even more of a pain in the ass.

My guess is that the PLA just kept mobilizing more and more conventional forces until the US finally felt threatened enough to call it off. The PLAAF's mobilization is the most obvious since they went on to fly around Taiwan right afterwards, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out significant amounts of PLARF and PLAN assets were also ready to go.