Miscellaneous News


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"We must ban the Russian gas! Putin will surrender in a month!"

"Now we are running out of natural gas."

"We can buy LNG from the US and the Middle East!"

"But we don't have LNG terminals."

"Let's build the terminals!"

"Now we cannot find enough LNG ships."

"Oh, no! We have to ration natural gas."

I used to be told that Germans think not one, not two but three steps before they move. The older generations of Chinese like to praise Germans for being precise, calm and rigorous.

But it seems that not all Germans have these traits.
Because the today's Germans are Americanized.


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Found out what happened to the woman. She was just knocked over, rather comically, in the ensuing panic -

It looks like it was by one of the SP (Secret Police) as he rushed over to the perp, but he chose to help the lady up instead...

I can only imagine what went on inside his head -

SP guy: "Oh shit an assassination! I got you, you basta- Oops! A thousand apologies, miss! Are you all right? Here, let me help you."
She probably thought she had been shot. If I hear a gunshot and then I find myself falling to the ground, I would think I've been shot lol


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Jihua Group share prices.JPG

LOL! Whatever that's good for business. Just take it and invest in the company. Better bulletproof vests for Chinese users is always a good thing.

Beyond stock markets, the shooting of Abe has evoked keen interest on the Chinese internet, where many are cheering the attack against him. There has long been strong anti-Japanese sentiment in China, due to Japan’s invasion and war crimes committed in China between 1937 and 1945. Abe, in particular, has been condemned by Beijing for
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to the Yasukuni shrine while he was in office. The shrine, which commemorates Japanese World War II leaders who were later convicted of war crimes, is seen by China as a symbol of Japan’s erstwhile military aggression.
On Weibo, China’s largest social media site, hashtags related to the news of Abe’s shooting have been read 920 million times. Many Chinese internet users praised the suspected shooter a “hero.” Tianya, a Weibo blogger with more than 2 million followers, claimed that the Chinese reaction towards the news was a result of Abe’s past behavior towards China.

They Western press just don't get why the Chinese hate Abe so much. Even the word hate is an understatement. The US suffered only about 160k dead to the Japanese in WWII. While China suffered 20 million deaths, many of whom were civilians. This is not just history and statistics, it was a historical scar for the Chinese people.

Some of those Japanese war criminals were interred into the Yasukuni Shrine, which Abe loves to visit regularly. Abe also recently called for Japan to intervene in Taiwan, and for the US to share nukes with Japan. Zelensky said something similar of that nature and now he has got a war with Russia. So why should the Chinese people not celebrate Abe's death? Scum like him deserves no dignity in death. Better for him to be dead than for him to lead Japan into a 3rd Sino-Japanese war with nukes.


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View attachment 92573

LOL! Whatever that's good for business. Just take it and invest in the company. Better bulletproof vests for Chinese users is always a good thing.

They Western press just don't get why the Chinese hate Abe so much. Even the word hate is an understatement. The US suffered only about 160k dead to the Japanese in WWII. While China suffered 20 million deaths, many of whom were civilians. This is not just history and statistics, it was a historical scar for the Chinese people.

Some of those Japanese war criminals were interred into the Yasukuni Shrine, which Abe loves to visit regularly. Abe also recently called for Japan to intervene in Taiwan, and for the US to share nukes with Japan. Zelensky said something similar of that nature and now he has got a war with Russia. So why should the Chinese people not celebrate Abe's death? Scum like him deserves no dignity in death. Better for him to be dead than for him to lead Japan into a 3rd Sino-Japanese war with nukes.

It is cultural myopia. Imagine how Western countries would react if a Neo-Nazi is the head of a major state.


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View attachment 92573

LOL! Whatever that's good for business. Just take it and invest in the company. Better bulletproof vests for Chinese users is always a good thing.

They Western press just don't get why the Chinese hate Abe so much. Even the word hate is an understatement. The US suffered only about 160k dead to the Japanese in WWII. While China suffered 20 million deaths, many of whom were civilians. This is not just history and statistics, it was a historical scar for the Chinese people.

Some of those Japanese war criminals were interred into the Yasukuni Shrine, which Abe loves to visit regularly. Abe also recently called for Japan to intervene in Taiwan, and for the US to share nukes with Japan. Zelensky said something similar of that nature and now he has got a war with Russia. So why should the Chinese people not celebrate Abe's death? Scum like him deserves no dignity in death. Better for him to be dead than for him to lead Japan into a 3rd Sino-Japanese war with nukes.
If there is one thing to note, is that he has no children left behind so at the very least their will be no more children from his line that will share in his dishonour and stupidity. Consider that karma, his grandfather and now him sharing in there respect for those POS that have committed those war crimes against the Chinese people, well expect the entire bloodline of his to end right there and then. For the innocent children and woman that died in Nanjing and all over China, well here is an example of an entire bloodline wiped out from the face of this planet with the added cravat that if his corpse is buried in that shit shrine, well in the event that Japan crosses the line, well that is an added threat that his corpse will over the irradiated as well. Let is be known, justice will come to Japan for their action in WW2, whether they apologise now or later makes no difference. Let Taiwan take notice that the difference between the Chinese and them is that we Chinese have balls of steel, none of that white shaft riding bullcrap, I mean take a look at JApan and the white man body pillow hugging bullcrap, see the end result, a man dead by a home made shotgun, that ladies and gentleman is Japanese quality right there and really shows just how much weaker they have gotten lately, I mean all that samurai bullcrap and this is the result, someone should be commuting sepuku right now, I mean if they have Hijikata’s from Gintamas level of passion, this wouldn’t be happening so seriously, the American worshipping had made Japan into a nation of pussies. I know I am being a jackass right now, but those in China that have an ounce of respect for this war crime worshipping ding ding, should be given a healthy drop kick in the ass right now, to bring them to their senses

Also to note, if this idiot is hearing this, well this stupid white worshipping idiot doesn’t know the harm that this idiot and his nation have done to China or is simply not caring. Assuming that the nation of gun loving nut cases goes completely south, I hope he enjoys his predictions coming true, in reverse. Talk about an existence that is literally built on failure, hope this idiot gets a good taste of the Assad curse sooner or later, the bloody fake white person he is, I mean his predictions will never come true, in this life time or the next.
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