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Junior Member
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So what do you guys think is the motive and/or group responsible behind the assassination? Could it be a lone shooter who hated Abe enough to carry out the assassination, or could it be the work of organizations like CIA that want to stir something up for politics?
I suspect it might have something to do with Abenomics and how it's coming back to haunt them these days.


Registered Member
I dont get the jpn right, at that time, 1959 fought and lost a world war against us not 20 years ago, us nuked them TWICE, Tokio Firebombings, occupation, slave state, yet right wing jpn to this day whoreships daddy US wtf, stockholm's syndrom?
Actually it's pretty simple to understand. In the words of Mike Tyson, "I'm gonna f##k you till you love me"


Registered Member
Actually it's pretty simple to understand. In the words of Mike Tyson, "I'm gonna f##k you till you love me"
Glad to see Iron Mike's wisdom spreading.

To everyone trying to ponder the geopolitics of this or how it relates to China, let me spare you the time and effort: it's meaningless. It doesn't matter which particular sack of filth crawls to the top of the Japanese system, the attitude toward China will remain unchanged until China is strong enough to curbstomp the US and improve Japan's attitude with overwhelming firepower.


Junior Member
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U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel tweeted late Thursday night, "We are all saddened and shocked by the shooting of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo."

"Abe-san has been an outstanding leader of Japan and unwavering ally of the U.S.," he said. "The U.S. Government and American people are praying for the well-being of Abe-san, his family, & people of Japan."

He was a good puppet. He did what he was told. And we couldn't give a rat's ass about him right now.


Registered Member
U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel tweeted late Thursday night, "We are all saddened and shocked by the shooting of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo."

"Abe-san has been an outstanding leader of Japan and unwavering ally of the U.S.," he said. "The U.S. Government and American people are praying for the well-being of Abe-san, his family, & people of Japan."

He was a good puppet. He did what he was told. And we couldn't give a rat's ass about him right now.
But they do care. Look at all the thoughts and prayers they're sending.

I think this is a great opportunity to celebrate Japanese democracy. While this may seem to be an assassination, that's just the wrong way to look at it. It's really someone casting the decisive vote.