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Not TASS but a regional (Novosibirsk) paper -
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. It looks like he gave some lectures to Chinese students and they are claiming that there were "state secrets" there, lol. I guess that's what happens when you don't pay your scientists a competitive wage, most of your equipment is old (some straight-up Soviet crap) and rusting while the primary source of income is government grants which are plagued by corruption at both the government and research institute levels.

I've worked in some of the RAN (Russian Academy of Sciences) institutes (thermophysics, hydrodynamics, institute of applied and theoretical mechanics, institute of information propagation problems) and they are crapholes with an aging workforce, struggling to attract young scientists because only a few labs even have modern equipment and liveable wages (on Russian level). There is a limited number of institutes that have decent funding and can afford to be somewhat competitive on the global level. Most of the young scientists with whom I've worked there all left for industry jobs (better pay, better W&L balance, no dumb bureaucracy, etc.) or left Russia (plenty went to China btw).
And reading through the comment section of the article, I found this comment (translated via Google) sort of interesting if not sad, If this sort of sentiment is generally felt by most Russians.

другfree end в оранжерееOrangeRay
1 июл 2022 в 15:27

Российская номенклатура не меняется.
В успехах Китайских учёных виноваты конечно-же российские учёные, читающие предприимчивым китайцам лекции из материалов 1960-ых годов. Но не кредиты российскому бизнесу со ставкой 20% годовых, нет. И не зарплаты 30 тысяч рублей у младших научных сотрудников.
Как же так - китайцы применили российские открытия 40 летней давности и смогли реализовать то, на что всякие главы компаний с приставкой "РОС" тратили безуспешно миллиарды и триллионы рублей...
Виноваты учёные. Естественно.

P.S.: интересный возрождают стимул для российских учёных вновь изобретать что-то значимое для Запада, чтобы туда сбежать.
Как-же это вновь нелепо и безобразно.

Google translation:

friendfree end in the greenhouseOrangeRay
July 1, 2022 at 03:27 pm

The Russian nomenclature does not change.
Of course, Russian scientists are to blame for the successes of Chinese scientists, who lecture enterprising Chinese from the materials of the 1960s. But not loans to Russian business at a rate of 20% per annum, no. And not salaries of 30 thousand rubles for junior researchers.
How is it possible - the Chinese applied Russian discoveries 40 years ago and were able to realize what all sorts of heads of companies with the prefix "ROS" spent unsuccessfully billions and trillions of rubles ...
Scientists are to blame. Naturally.

P.S.: interesting revive the incentive for Russian scientists to re-invent something meaningful for the West to escape there.
Once again, this is ridiculous and ugly.


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Survey from an American think tank
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How is Beijing involved in their stupid K-drama-laden, corruption filled domestic politics? These young K-pop and K-drama Koreans younglings have really began to see themselves as part of the western bulwark in East Asia to guard against Commie China. What a sad situation.


Registered Member
Turkey signed a deal with Taiwan to donate 1 million USD to Afghanistan jointly for humanitarian aid. Turkey has a lot of trade deals with Taiwan so it is not surprising or an escalation of recognition. I found it more interesting that the Taliban is willing to accept such a small donation from Taiwan. Sounds like a needless risk for them.

Note: Turkey is important for the middle route of the BRI. There are reports about Turkish entities demanding more contributions from China for infrastructure projects. Russian-Ukrainian war made the northern route a lot less potent so Turkey's importance for BRI increased. It seems Turkey starting capitalizing on this. Turkey's location is a gift that keeps giving.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Turkey signed a deal with Taiwan to donate 1 million USD to Afghanistan jointly for humanitarian aid. Turkey has a lot of trade deals with Taiwan so it is not surprising or an escalation of recognition. I found it more interesting that the Taliban is willing to accept such a small donation from Taiwan. Sounds like a needless risk for them.

Note: Turkey is important for the middle route of the BRI. There are reports about Turkish entities demanding more contributions from China for infrastructure projects. Russian-Ukrainian war made the northern route a lot less potent so Turkey's importance for BRI increased. It seems Turkey starting capitalizing on this. Turkey's location is a gift that keeps giving.
That makes complete sense for the Emirate. Like other small and weak countries, threatening to develop ties with Taiwan is the only method they have to try to extract more support from China. They still haven't got diplomatic recognition from anyone so talking to Taipei is one way of pressuring Beijing to recognise them as the sovereign government. What else can they do?


Registered Member
Turkey signed a deal with Taiwan to donate 1 million USD to Afghanistan jointly for humanitarian aid. Turkey has a lot of trade deals with Taiwan so it is not surprising or an escalation of recognition. I found it more interesting that the Taliban is willing to accept such a small donation from Taiwan. Sounds like a needless risk for them.
I doubt anyone in the CPC would care if Taiwan donates towards humanitarian aid. Although it would be funny if Taiwan was the first country to recognise the Taliban....
Note: Turkey is important for the middle route of the BRI. There are reports about Turkish entities demanding more contributions from China for infrastructure projects. Russian-Ukrainian war made the northern route a lot less potent so Turkey's importance for BRI increased. It seems Turkey starting capitalizing on this. Turkey's location is a gift that keeps giving.
Erdogan has done a good job of playing both sides so far but he shouldn't get complacent. If he flies too close to the sun Turkey may quickly find itself in a situation where they are distrusted by both the west and China.


Senior Member
Registered Member
How is Beijing involved in their stupid K-drama-laden, corruption filled domestic politics? These young K-pop and K-drama Koreans younglings have really began to see themselves as part of the western bulwark in East Asia to guard against Commie China. What a sad situation.
It's their media. The article lists all the countries with negative views of China and all are US media dominated countries. Australia and Canada are like appendages of the US. Reading news from japan and Korea also had a similar vibe. I feel it's largely media driven as well.


Registered Member
So given how disastrous Q2 GDP growth is going to be for America, how fast do you think Biden will capitulate on his trade war tariffs against China?

I think the crucial point is the next inflation data release. If it is the same (or roughly the same) as the previous inflation rate then I am pretty sure Biden is going to call Xi and roll back some of the tariffs