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I can under his support for India but imagining India as a super power is just plain silly, not only does such an under taking require that the nation be well educated and are willing to carry out the necessary policies that will lead the nation to that particular destiny, but the nation should also have a good understanding in regards to drinking cow piss being a bloody health hazard and also, self reflection is something a nation requires to learn from mistakes and improve, not going Ja Hind at every single situation when China kicks their ass black and blue.

This is foolish, 20-30 years ago it would have been ridiculous to imagine China as a superpower. Ridicule and mockery of geopolitical foes who actually have the capability of exceeding you in the future is exactly how America landed itself in its current position. What Kishore is saying is entirely correct, insofar as the attention of China and America are on each other, just like the Soviet Union and America before there.


Registered Member
This is foolish, 20-30 years ago it would have been ridiculous to imagine China as a superpower. Ridicule and mockery of geopolitical foes who actually have the capability of exceeding you in the future is exactly how America landed itself in its current position. What Kishore is saying is entirely correct, insofar as the attention of China and America are on each other, just like the Soviet Union and America before there.
If we take the multiverse theory to be correct, there isn't a single timeline in the quantum infinitude where India has the capability of exceeding China.


Registered Member
This is foolish, 20-30 years ago it would have been ridiculous to imagine China as a superpower. Ridicule and mockery of geopolitical foes who actually have the capability of exceeding you in the future is exactly how America landed itself in its current position. What Kishore is saying is entirely correct, insofar as the attention of China and America are on each other, just like the Soviet Union and America before there.
Understandable if China is like the USA in regards to acting irrationally and basically continuing to point fingers and absolutely refusing to even consider that maybe some of the things done by China can be helpful to the USA. But since China lead by logic and reason, I don't believe that China isn't going to continue forward regardless of what shit the world throws at them and if the USA cannot stop their endless war and craziness, things are not going to look up for them in the long run.

In regards to India, it they willing to collectively pull itself together and work towards a common goal, then maybe what Kishore envision for India might come true, but until then and as long as Modi or any other leader in the nation refuses to make the necessary changes towards all aspects in regards to what will bar India for the converted position as super power, well, it might take longer then 30 years.

I will conceded that India has a nation isn't going to collapse as easily as some nations due to the fact that the people are somewhat resilient and determined enough to survive where other nations cannot do the same, I mean the leader had the sense to keep buying gas from Russia where most of Europe refuses to do so out of crazy hatred, hence we can easily conclude that he is definitely smarter than most leaders of Europe which considering how they are supposed to be leaders of developed nations, you have to admit that is quite impressive or maybe their education in the Europe simply isn't all that hot. I even believe that India has to capability to last well beyond the USA as a nation due to the fact that the India at least can survive harsh circumstances that I don't believe the USA could considering that the USA with its world reserve currency status is still only so far away from a financial and societal collapse along with everything crumpling down with tent cities springing up with drugged up people inhabiting them while Biden is glued to Ukraine while India for all of its health and societal problems simply refuses to back down and is still making advances regardless of how much problems they have. The fact that I consider India to be a nation that has some merit in comparison to the USA is something I cannot believe I am saying because I always thought that the USA shouldn't have tent cities or have infrastructure problems and soon enough energy problems while India is in the progress of solving there's which is something I find almost beyond stupid in the case of the USA. What a world we live in


Registered Member
I'll create an Indian Economics thread II a few days from now for India-related stuff. It's funnier than the Funny stuff to loosen your day thread, and a sight for sore eyes..... I think......

Everytime I open the Indian Economics thread I can sort of smell India for some reason.

We just have to police ourselves.


Registered Member
I'll create an Indian Economics thread II a few days from now for India-related stuff. It's funnier than the Funny stuff to loosen your day thread, and a sight for sore eyes..... I think......

Everytime I open the Indian Economics thread I can sort of smell India for some reason.

We just have to police ourselves.
@Crang again bro I'm shook really shook...lol


Senior Member
Registered Member
This is foolish, 20-30 years ago it would have been ridiculous to imagine China as a superpower. Ridicule and mockery of geopolitical foes who actually have the capability of exceeding you in the future is exactly how America landed itself in its current position. What Kishore is saying is entirely correct, insofar as the attention of China and America are on each other, just like the Soviet Union and America before there.
Nah, not really. 20-30 years ago it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that China was on the up and up and would soon become a major power to be reckoned with. Reforms had been in place for a while now and FDI was flooding into the country. Manufacturing, infrastructure, and industrial capacity boomed. GDP growth rates regularly exceeded 10% YoY. As early as ~1999 China surpassed Japan in PPP to become the world's second largest economy. In hindsight, China has destroyed all expectations to become the monster it is today, but anyone in 1990 could see China did a 180 and was on the right track in its opening up and reform after decades of ideological governance, turmoil and stagnation.

There are no such signs for India today. If anything, the India of today is devolving into religious extremism and segregation. The caste system somehow still exists. A significant chunk of Indians still believe rubbing cow dung on their faces can cure cancer. And all this topped off with an insane bureaucracy. I mean this is some Qing Dynasty level culture and governance we're talking about here. It's that bad.

While China was busy growing in the 90s and 00s, it abided patiently by the motto of "hide your strength, bide your time". It never boasted or bragged, but kept its head down, did its homework, and kept on growing and developing. Only until the panda became too fat to hide behind the bamboo did China finally begin boldly asserting itself, as every great power should.

Meanwhile today we have "5 trillion dollar economy 2025", "30 trillion dollar economy soon", and the infamous "India Superpower 2020".

Tbh India doesn't get enough shit here for the things it says. We need to mock, ridicule, and laugh at Indians more, not less. They are a complete and utter joke.