do they want Pakistan/Myanmar style military dictatorship? this is how they get Pakistan/Myanmar style military dictatorship.
all hail Eternal President and General of the Army of the American Republic, Mark Milley!
It doesnt matter what type of ruling is implemented, as long as they bow down to naughty amrikkans & kiss "we the peoples" azz, it will be fine. Amrikkan people want to do party all day night & sustain that life style no matter what, like keeping the syrian oil safe..or iraqi gold which keeps paying for their "free" lifestyle. Whoever pledges to do it, will be ok.
When it comes to utopia, we waste our time discussing ships & cracies, like dictatorships or autocracies, these are applicable to a country, not to the utopian people who treat native america like a hotel or night club. They are too afraid of a government who wont bend to vote marketing & tell them the truth on their face .
Have you seen what new born spiders do to their mother? These people are exactly same. The US is simply a mask, a constant disguise. America is variable. These people will pledge their allegiance to whoever give them most "rights".
I will bet my life on it. So called "national security" threat to america ain't any outside communism, fundamentalism, autocracy,Islamism, this ism, that ism. Those are hogwash. It's inside,it always has been.
US is the biggest national security threat to America. Or should i say...the people? Because US is not a place, its the people.
They have created a monster feeding into the populism under disguise of democracy, which is every hungry no matter how many demands are fulfilled.
When they are done with native america, they will move onto next one. And you better be ready to deal with the asgardian value loving people,unless you want to become next native or aboriginal.