If you actually read Zelensky's direct quotation, it's way more vague, tame, and neutral.
The burning bridges before you need to cross them tactic?
Western troll: What advice you have for Taiwan who face coercion and threat of invasion from larger neighbor??
Zelensky's response:
- “No one benefits from [war], apart from certain political leaders who are not content with the present level of their ambitions. Therefore, they keep growing their appetites, their ambitions......... The world enables these leaders to grow their appetites for now, therefore we need a diplomatic resolution to support countries that are in need of help......We must not leave them behind at the mercy of another country which is more powerful in financial terms, in territorial terms and in terms of equipment........nd therefore, if there is a way out diplomatically, we need to use the diplomatic way. But it must be a preemptive way, not the one that comes after the war has started.”
And when you realize this is an Opinion piece in WaPo by a pro-Taiwan Westerner, you can see why it's twisted/exaggerated to make a big stink over nothing.
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