Why invest in Xinjiang? You need to improve the lives of people who live there even when some Western nations attempt to cut it off from the international supply chain.
So in the U.S., we have mass shootings at schools, hospital/clinic, church/synagogue, shopping mall/supermarket, movie theater, beauty salon, and now funeral?
Grim stretch of American shootings continues at a church and a funeral
What does that pompous, private boarding school educated Simon Tisdall knows about War and the horrors that come with it other than being a paid swine spewing nonsense from his perch? And why does he not realize that his country's Armed forces powerful though they maybe but it's relative power in comparison to that of Russia is mother freaking miniscule; especially her majesty's Army.While there are more voices in US for re-thinking the war, some brits want to push it further.
Timid Biden condemns Ukrainians to an agonising war without end
I somehow have a sense that brits are among the minority stakeholders who actually want to escalate this war. Maybe they are wishing that they may get another bargaining chance when this war drags on and escalates ......
My perception is that the Guardian represents the British elites more than the likes of BBC. To be honest, if I were a part of the Brexit movement back then, right now I would definitely hope the war drags on as long as it is now, to the benefits of relative bargaining positions vis-a-vis EU. And that would also make US value UK more as EU gets more wounded as time passes.What does that pompous, private boarding school educated Simon Tisdall knows about War and the horrors that come with it other than being a paid swine spewing nonsense from his perch? And why does he not realize that his country's Armed forces powerful though they maybe but it's relative power in comparison to that of Russia is mother freaking miniscule; especially her majesty's Army.
He keeps mentioning NATO needs to do X,Y,Z but is either willfully clueless or just plain obtuse that NATO is nothing but another diplomatic cover for American military might. So any huge undertaking and military actions it take essentially is an American led and funded operation. What's Britain’s mighty contribution to the force mixture? 50% of her strength? If not why bother at all.
If he's that eager beaver to fight he should have sent his arse into the combat zone in Ukraine and maybe, just maybe he could have had the chance to make some difference: as a cannon fodder for Russian military.
Previous cold war made Europe engineering superpower. highly unlikely anyone can replace it.My perception is that the Guardian represents the British elites more than the likes of BBC. To be honest, if I were a part of the Brexit movement back then, right now I would definitely hope the war drags on as long as it is now, to the benefits of relative bargaining positions vis-a-vis EU. And that would also make US value UK more as EU gets more wounded as time passes.
But to Chinese eyes, this is yet another reality show that exposes true British colors, which dated back to WWI and WWII eras.
Ahh Tesla had to establish a giga factory in Germany which is the economic engine of EU not to mention that EU is the 2nd largest market for EV. You need to chill with EU super duper engineering power because it comes across too shrill. And with respect to EV what major contributions in terms of engineering has any of the superior German, Italian, and other super duper Europeans have contributed and could be attributed to them?.
Previous cold war made Europe engineering superpower. highly unlikely anyone can replace it.
Largest FDI in Taiwan is from EU.
EU has trade surplus with US despite US Attracting global talent with huge amount of money printing creating inflation for less fortunate but that wealth went to firms creating virtual products and services on top of that corporate America hire in most expensive places that make the place even more expensive. American education /culture deficiency means America will always be land of opportunity for new immigrants.
You can observe this with Elon Musk and Tesla. He started with California already expensive and immigrant. Now he shifted to Texas where most people now moving . It was German and Italian engineering that saved him during production bottlenecks. rather than increasing production for North America in places like Mexico he went all the way to Berlin. it never occurred to Musk that he need to develop human talent in less dense populated area rather taking advantage of money printing to grab talent.
this mismatch and misallocation of resources both human and non human can create problem of inflation, shortages, human safety, lowering water table hence unstable geography. than you add import dependency and entanglements in Europe make the solution out of reach. The more US involved in various conflicts the more indispensable partner is Europe.
i am saying whats the point of Tesla in Berlin when people in North America has to wait a year and price rises. Its American stock market that propelled it. so it should first serve the home country.Ahh Tesla had to establish a giga factory in Germany which is the economic engine of EU not to mention that EU is the 2nd largest market for EV. You need to chill with EU super duper engineering power because it comes across too shrill. And with respect to EV what major contributions in terms of engineering has any of the superior German, Italian, and other super duper Europeans have contributed and could be attributed to them?
Hmm fair enough.i am saying whats the point of Tesla in Berlin when people in North America has to wait a year and price rises. Its American stock market that propelled it. so it should first serve the home country.
It is European management and engineering that rescued Bombardier CS series. It is Siemens that manufactured trains in California. It is European engineering that whole global Oil and Gas industry rely on. All the way from Petrobas in South America to Arctic in North with Mediterranean in between.
unless there are practical replacements on global scale Europe importance cannot be deminished.
South Korea and US fire eight missiles into sea in show of force to North Korea