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These two articles, after reading them back to back, is like a one-two punch. A punch to the groin the low blow, then a kick in the balls.

Let's face a fact. Not even the most insignificant countries in Oceania want to listen to the West and deal with their shit. What more do we need to know? That is Western influence for you in the world today.

The Americans may have hoodwinked the Europeans. For now that is.

Actually, the American government hoodwinked the hapless average American with lower wages, then next have inflation which will lower your wages some more.

Only President Trump can save us!

That is what some people believe. President Trump is kind of like Chairman Mao Zedong.

Re-group, re-build, restore the country to glory!



Registered Member
Actually, I was not even trying to be funny!

Maybe, just a little. Like, there is nothing else to do, but laugh.

This is what the Americans kind of remind me of. They remind me of the USSR under Gorbachev.

Gorbachev implemented those two policies, openness and reform.

After the USSR collapsed, then the people who were on the inside, started to give their opinions on why openness and reform did not work for the USSR, openness and reform lead to the collapse of the USSR.

Their reasoning for that turn of events, could be summed into a very short story.

Once the policy of openness and reform was implemented, people went along with it. The system tried to change.

But the system was too entrenched. So after a while of openness and reform, the system started to resist, and fight back.

Eventually this could not last, and everything collapsed.

Look at America today. They have these shootings, but the entrenched interest makes sure nothing is done, and the current system lives (pertaining to gun ownership in the USA).

People living pay check to pay check in America, while the money flows upwards. Kudos for the 1% to set it up this way. Now imagine the politicians trying to change that system? No one will give that candidate any money to go campaign. The system works!

Healthcare in the United States, it is the medical professionals that make the money, along with the insurance companies, and lawyers. If some poor do not have health care, well, that is how the system is suppose to work.

There are probably more examples. But any attempt at reform, and the system fights back.

In the USSR, the state went kaput.

In America, it could be different. Who knows.

It is a cultural difference I believe.

In China, it is more or less the same Mandarin system, so we do not think about it at all, other than it being normal.

In America, it is highly entertaining. People get emotional, and still have hope because the Americans are an optimistic people.

In places like Russia or Germany, when we think of the system unwilling to reform and it is fighting back, crushing the individual, the system sounds so depressing, doesn't it?

Maybe Nietzsche was right all along?



Registered Member
These two articles, after reading them back to back, is like a one-two punch. A punch to the groin the low blow, then a kick in the balls.

Let's face a fact. Not even the most insignificant countries in Oceania want to listen to the West and deal with their shit. What more do we need to know? That is Western influence for you in the world today.

The Americans may have hoodwinked the Europeans. For now that is.

Actually, the American government hoodwinked the hapless average American with lower wages, then next have inflation which will lower your wages some more.

Only President Trump can save us!

That is what some people believe. President Trump is kind of like Chairman Mao Zedong.

Re-group, re-build, restore the country to glory!

@horse bro I bet you when Trump wins in 2024 he will do a Nixon and correct the mistake he make and declare victory, claiming he save the world from a devastating War with China that Brandon escalate.....lol Agent #1 will never bow down to Agent #2 and show whose the boss.


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Global Times twisting the knife
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Slim chance for US to be successful in Summit of Americas
Twenty eight years ago, the Clinton administration, being at the very peak of US international power, blocked only Cuba from being present in Miami. Today, a much weaker Biden administration intends to exclude from participating not only Havana, but also Caracas and Managua.
There are strong reasons to believe that the Biden administration will try to accomplish two prime missions at the ninth summit. First, to try and get unanimous Latin American support for the current US stance against Moscow. Second, to make Latin America choose between Washington and Beijing in favor of the former.

Neither of these missions are likely to be easily accomplished