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I don't get it. Why do they always suffer trade deficits despite record devaluation of their currency and cheaper labour cost.
This thing is related to that drones and attack choppers that i earlier mentioned.
Turkey consider itself a militaristic power that want to increase the size of defense industry for its oversize military and exports. defense industry is very manpower intensive. and than add presumably now largest airlines in Europe that can travel most destinations in the world. They also have custom union with Europe and easy travel to Germany that further drain the high skilled. i am not saying they would have succeeded in building some think like Airbus but more in Bombardier or Embraer class which is sufficient for Turkish geographical location.
in 2013 Istanbul lost to Tokyo for summer Olympic games. The size of loss and European influence on Olympic committee all he need to know how he will be treated. When that Turkish coup happened in 2016. Russian sent Dugin to Turkish parliament. it is to remind him that he is not European and certainly not German but he is either too stupid or delusional thinking he is part of Europe. this is also reflected in his decisions regarding Ukraine, Syria, Libya. now he is really enjoying refugees, Ukraine is gone. Germany is relegated to third place behind first place Russia in Turkish import partners. and his hotels and airlines have to accept Mir credit cards. i dont think modern Turkey ever got a leader that can develop its true engineering potential.

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Just finished watching and listening to this talk by former Indian Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran on his most recent book regarding the India-Sino relationship his book titled "How China Sees India: The Authoritative account."

Mr. Saran has of course a very Indian centric point of view and sees China in almost negative way thwarting Indian desire in terms of joining NSG, seeing China's diplomatic action in the Pacific Islands as embarrassing since it didn't achieve the supposed desired objectives of "Collective security" made an observation that Wang Yi was so embarrassed that he allegedly cut off his press conference with the Fijian delegate to avoid being questioned with respect to the failed security arrangement it sought above all else.

Sees China in historical terms as not that important or not really the center or the middle kingdom it tried to portrayed itself, sold itself to the west. Saw the border issues with China as both countries not understanding each other's political system and values. Alleged that the clash of 1962 was more of a domestic power struggle between Mao and the group representing Deng Xiaoping etc..

Portrayed China's initial stance to the Quad as a nothing burger only to change her tune upon realizing that the group is being groomed as the Asian NATO.

He makes an assertion that the main Hegemonic goal of China which is to be the unquestioned hegemon of China has already been thwarted by groupings like the Quad, countries in the South and East Asia including Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, and he included Australia. Not to mention that the U.S. still plays more than a pivotal role in shaping or making China wake up from its delusions of grandeur a.k.a. Hegemon of Asia.

On a personal note: it's rather difficult to deal with a country like India when it's supposed best and brightest can be this ignorant and dismissive of China's objectives. Dismissive attitude towards China's achievement but also the legitimacy of it's political system, history, historical importance and gave me the impression that he wants India to be the center of Asia rather than China. Much of what he mentioned in this talk is a more soft form of Jai Hind, an urbane sounding polemic especially when he asserted that Russia has lost the war in Ukraine, and China backed the wrong horse, which basically make China a loser in this conflict as well.

He sounds like someone who drank the China threat koolaid mixed with Jai Hindi overexaggerating of small successes and failures. As for the collective security objective in the pacific, I don't think it was expected to be accomplished since that would be a big leap for those pacific countries to base Chinese ships and naval bases which would attract the full hostility from the West. It was probably just to get their attention and signal a possibility for it to happen in the future, in order to put pressure on the US in the region.