Interesting development. Ilhan Omar is an Islamic woman on the left side of the Democratic party. She is pretty much the ideal person for America to try and improve relations with an Islamic country. Contrast to who America sent to India - an Americanised Sikh who upper caste Hindus hate. That may be because Americans know more about Islamic cultures than Indians though. That mistake has been rectified with the British PM being sent to India. Indians (the elite) worship white people, and the British upper class are like gods to them.India gets angry.
US retracts, calling it an unofficial visit.
Is this pressure tactics on India, coupled with trying to build better relationship with Pakistan? Pretty funny though that they are flip-flopping on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir occupation.
To me, America have realised that their coup has failed and their new puppet won't last long. The chances of revolution are very high in Pakistan, and America are now seriously worried about the prospect of an Iranian style Islamic revolution. They are trying to rebuild ties with Imran Khan because that would be better than the alternative.
The Kashmir thing is funny as well. At no point has America offered support to India for it's border dispute with China. The most they've offered is support for Indian "interests" in the South China Sea. Yet you've now got an elected congresswoman visiting territory India considers foreign occupied.