Miscellaneous News

"These things matter. Why we have spent years discussing them.

ASEAN surpasses EU to become China's largest trading partner.

China's imports and exports with ASEAN jumped 8.4% yoy to 1.35tn yuan in Q1 accounting for 14.4% of the country's foreign trade volume."

RCEP just started and is already a success.
This will be the most dynamic region and future trend.


Registered Member
"These things matter. Why we have spent years discussing them.

ASEAN surpasses EU to become China's largest trading partner.

China's imports and exports with ASEAN jumped 8.4% yoy to 1.35tn yuan in Q1 accounting for 14.4% of the country's foreign trade volume."
Hence, the need for the U.S. to instigate their unrelenting anti-China crusade within the ASEAN countries to damage not just China's economic importance to ASEAN but to severe that interconnectivity that can impail all countries in the region from expanding their economic interindependence. The 21st century and onwards should become the Asian century and this will only become a reality If Asian countries are wise enough to resist the combined Anglo/European assault on this golden opportunity.

The economic projection for Europe doesn't look at all rosy even before the war in Ukraine occurred. The continent is suffering from population decline = productivity decline but at the same time also facing existential issues about their culture, heritage, etc..hence the issues of "immigration" coming from the middle east, and Africa. The very issues western media have been projecting as a supposed existential issue for China which I can only LOL...Asian countries with the exception of the big 3 East Asian economic giants (China, Japan, South Korea) aren't exactly struggling in producing babies or expanding their populations.

And in my opinion, only war, chaos, will disrupt the Asian economic bloc from being realized and the U.S. and it's lackeys are going to stop at nothing to ensure that this scenario will not be fully realized.

So if Taiwan politicians would succumb to the mirage and self-defeating adulation for American interference by declaring independence it's my firm belief that China must shatter that illusion, deal with the separatist leaders in the most harshest way not for deterrence but as a message to would be adversaries that Chinese words is our bond. Pussy footing around Taiwanese independence will bring the predictable sanctions against China anyway so might as well go all out when the damage are all the same. My sincerest hope is for the SCS issue to be resolved diplomatically to ensure that regions economic prosperity is not disrupted by outsiders i.e. colonizers, imperialists.
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