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Registered Member

People reporting an active shooter, but people seem quite calm coming out of that train. Injuries also all seem to be lower limb. Also wouldn't explain all the smoke.

I'm guessing one or more low powered IEDs under the seats.

Doesn’t look like an active shooter tbh. I can’t tell exactly but those train cars don’t look connected to each other. People are too calm in the video for an active shooter in the train. Seem likely a bomb.


Registered Member
As much as we all like to crap on India it is in fact one of the few countries in the world with independent decision making capabilities.
Their alignment to Russia is largely a hallmark of Indian military dependence on the USSR rather than an independent geopolitical policy. Everything else seems to be based on the opposite of whatever Pakistan does.

It would be good to see a truly independent India, but I don't see it happening under Modi.