So... these bunch of buffoons, clowns and monkeys of the US-led NATO-&-Partners-Co. are so eager to cause a Cold War 2.0, huh?
So... they want to treat China like how they treat the Soviet Union during Cold War 1.0, huh?
However, whether these bunch of buffoons, clowns and monkeys don't know, or choose to ignore, is that - China is NOT the Soviet Union.
Let's take the most simple example - The national flags of China and the Soviet Union.

Yes, both the national flags of China and the Soviet Union are of Red Colour.
However, the most vital difference between the two national flags- the bright Red Colour of the Five Star Red Flag of China is NOT a mere symbolism of "Communism" and "Socialism" - The bright Red Colour of the Five Star Red Flag of China represents the very elements and spirit which formulate the Chinese people and the Chinese diasphora.
Red colour and the Chinese people has been closely knited with each other for thousands of years (just look at how Red the sceneries of places across the world with significant Chinese population has become whenever Chinese/Lunar New year is around, for example). In fact, the Red colour has become part and parcel of the Chinese identity for a very long, long time.
Yet, seems like this kind of relation has never been understood by the bunch of buffoons, clowns and monkeys that constitute the US-led NATO-&-Partners-Co.
Perhaps, these bunch of buffoons, clowns and monkeys will finally learn when they get their head smashed, get their bodies bloodied, and get their skulls shattered against the wall of 1.4 billion Chinese people.