Miscellaneous News

Rettam Stacf

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As I'm sure the members on here who hail from the region would know better than me, and maybe correct me if necessary, Singapore has traditionally been in a geopolitical tough spot.

As a country the size not even that of Hong Kong, she has precious little else to bargain with apart from her service sectors and oil refinery industry, with an absolutely lopsided reliance on imports for essential goods and raw materials, and water supply from Malaysia being the most critical of all.

So Singapore can't be seen as taking any one side with blatant disregard to the other side since she doesn't have that kind of clout both geopolitically and in national prowess vis-a-vis her neighbours who have much abundance in territories, people and resources. The composition of Singapore's Armed Forces and particularly her military alliance with the US are reflective of that.

What some people may see of politicians like Lee who appears as "playing both sides" is really a policy that's born out of necessity.

When the US doesn't even shirk from confronting the world's second largest power and bringing out the whole works to undermining China, imagine what the Americans could do to a pro-China city-state like Singapore who has no true allies in the region where everybody is non-aligned by policy because ASEAN isn't a defence pact like NATO.
Singapore not taking side but playing both sides ? Hardly.

Singapore's Changi Naval Base hosts US warships that can be used to blockade the Malacca Strait. And Singapore allows her air base to be used by US and Australian submarine chasers to fly all over South China Sea. Not exactly what a neutral country would do.


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They'll be cleaned up in a couple of years.
Judging by how many of them are suicidal it's entirely possible that they'll clean a good number of themselves up. But China's enormous population and rapid development means that there will always a section of the population either discontent or harbor "peculiarities" that are completely irreconcilable to society.


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Brave of you to assume any of them would be man enough to actual pick up a weapon to fight in a real war. Even if they do join up for Reddit likes at the star of the war, as soon as they get a taste of actual combat they are more likely to crossdress to escape just like the Redditors who went to Ukraine.

Cleaned up doesn’t mean that they are gone physically. Reforesting the Gobi Desert is also a way of cleaning up.


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U.S. and Japan invite ASEAN in plan to help avert next chip crisis​

Biden seeks broad Indo-Pacific supply chain partnership to cut China reliance

TOKYO -- The U.S. and Japan will ask ASEAN nations to participate in a new supply chain framework designed to prevent the shortage of semiconductors and other strategic goods in an effort to reduce economic reliance on China, Nikkei has learned.

Washington is set to come out this year with a new Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, which seeks to build a new economic sphere around trusted partners with shared values such as freedom and democracy. Details of the plan have yet to be released.

The U.S. recently sent a draft document to the Japanese government aimed at encouraging members of Association of Southeast Asian Nations to join in. The two sides are now working on the specific wording, which must be carefully calibrated to avoid angering China while making it easy for ASEAN members with close ties to Beijing to participate.

Amid the global economic turmoil caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic, the framework aims to reduce economic security risks by rebuilding supply chains to center on friendly countries like Japan.

It also serves as an alternative avenue for regional cooperation for the U.S., which faces domestic opposition to returning to the trade pact previously known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Ensuring that international supply chains function properly can strengthen domestic manufacturing bases, guarantee product supplies and preserve jobs, the draft says. It includes language about respecting labor standards, suggesting that China, which has faced allegations of forced labor in Xinjiang, will not be welcome.

Positioning semiconductors and clean energy as priority fields, the framework calls for participating countries to expand cooperation to ensure access to the necessary materials.

The decarbonization section discusses concentrated investment in the technologies needed to accelerate the deployment of clean energy. Sections on digital cooperation and maintaining trade freedom are included as well.

The framework is not intended as a purely economic arrangement. The draft stresses that economic and diplomatic policy interests in the region are closely intertwined.

Washington is expected to encourage South Korea to join, but that may prove challenging.
The U.S. approached both Japan and South Korea last fall about setting up a working group on semiconductor supply, according to a senior official. There was also a proposal to bring in Taiwan, which produces much of the world's supply of top-of-the-line chips.

The lack of progress after six months stems from friction between Tokyo and Seoul over chipmaking materials. Japan restricted exports of certain products to South Korea in 2019, amid a diplomatic chill over the wartime forced-labor issue involving Japanese companies and an incident in which a South Korean destroyer locked its fire-control radar on a Japanese patrol plane.

Incoming South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, who is set to take office in May, has sounded willing to move toward
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. This will not be easy, given that historical issues surrounding the two countries are a touchy topic for the South Korean public, but Washington is expected to urge the new administration to partner with Tokyo.

Foreign ministers from Japan, the U.S. and South Korea met in Hawaii in February and issued a statement stressing "the importance of collaboration ... to improve economic security."

The three countries and Taiwan account for more than 70% of global chip production, and investment in the field is also ramping up in Southeast Asia, which has ambitions of becoming a semiconductor hub. A partnership would help participants prepare for a potential conflict around Taiwan, which Beijing seeks to unify with the mainland.

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Registered Member
lol. Meme worthy

"⚡️ Germany's economy minister: 'We will be poorer' due to Russia's war but it's a small price to pay.

Robert Habeck told local broadcaster ZDF that there will be costs for the German society but the price is incomparable to the sufferings in Ukraine."
Don't know why you guys are laughing at this tweet when the replies are mostly composed of comments like these:

Westerners have been living in lala land for far too long in stark contrast to the vast majority of people that lives in the Global south. Virtue signaling pious folks proudly proclaims their morality for now, I would rather wait and see how long they can endure economic hardships their generation have never experienced in their lifetime. If they endure and still sing these kumbaya shtick, I'll happily applaud their moralistic stance as genuine, and not just an expression of convenience for clicks.


Junior Member
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Don't know why you guys are laughing at this tweet when the replies are mostly composed of comments like these:

Westerners have been living in lala land for far too long in stark contrast to the vast majority of people that lives in the Global south. Virtue signaling pious folks proudly proclaims their morality for now, I would rather wait and see how long they can endure economic hardships their generation have never experienced in their lifetime. If they endure and still sing these kumbaya shtick, I'll happily applaud their moralistic stance as genuine, and not just an expression of convenience for clicks.
Unfortunately, actually learning a life's lesson is a long and arduous process. Covid and this war are the two recent reality checks to those people, but not nearly enough to alter attitude or behaviors. One of the reasons that Chinese are pragmatic by nature is the long history of hardship at every level of the society. Therefore, it is much easy for Chinese to check with reality, which cannot be said the same as with westerners. It is going to be a painful process.


Senior Member
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Westerners have been living in lala land for far too long in stark contrast to the vast majority of people that lives in the Global south. Virtue signaling pious folks proudly proclaims their morality for now, I would rather wait and see how long they can endure economic hardships their generation have never experienced in their lifetime. If they endure and still sing these kumbaya shtick, I'll happily applaud their moralistic stance as genuine, and not just an expression of convenience for clicks.
'pressing' X for doubt


Senior Member
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Singapore not taking side but playing both sides ? Hardly.

Singapore's Changi Naval Base hosts US warships that can be used to blockade the Malacca Strait. And Singapore allows her air base to be used by US and Australian submarine chasers to fly all over South China Sea. Not exactly what a neutral country would do.
For deterrence. Who in SEA would attack a city with a US base in it? I'm not saying I approve or disapprove of their choice, only that's they've decided as what's best for their national security.

And guess what, the Republic hasn't been invaded or attacked in its entire 50-odd years of history.