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Moscow seeks to reduce dependence on foreign tech in critical infrastructure

Russian President Vladimir Putin has passed an executive order banning the purchase of foreign software for use in critical infrastructure projects by the state agencies and semi-government entities, in an apparent bid to make the country less vulnerable to further Western sanctions and potential cyberattacks.

Effective Thursday, the
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allows for the purchase of foreign software for key infrastructure purposes only if permitted by “a federal executive body duly authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.” Additionally, any government body or customer must phase out the use of foreign software on their sensitive systems by no later than the start of 2025.

Regulators were ordered to release requirements for software that will be used in critical infrastructure within a month, along with the rules for coordinating the purchase of foreign software and related services for use on sensitive sites.

Putin’s executive order also seeks to prioritize the use of domestic radio, electronic and telecom-related tech over foreign equipment, with measures aimed at achieving this goal to be released within six months. A research and production association focused on manufacturing “trusted software and hardware systems for critical information infrastructure” is also supposed to be organized by the end of September at the latest

Moscow’s efforts are a response to sanctions from the West aimed at cutting Russia off from both its own high-tech industry and high-tech goods made in third-party countries using American intellectual property.

Russia's military operation in Ukraine, launched late last month, has resulted in international embargoes targeting the Russian economy and prominent political and business figures. Many foreign companies have been announcing a halt or suspension of operations in Russia amid the sanctions, including credit card companies Visa and MasterCard, several automakers, and tech giants including Microsoft, Apple and Dell.

While US President Joe Biden had hoped to
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“more than half” of Russia’s access to “high-tech imports” with the latest rounds of sanctions, the “boomerang” effect is already returning to hit the West,
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to Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of the Russian Security Council. The former Russian president pointed out on Wednesday that “global inflation is on the rise. It looks like a recession is starting in Europe, which could spread to the entire world.”


Registered Member
I might have overestimated Lee Hsien Loong. Not a smart move.
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What an idiot. Can we partition SG already?
I still haven't heard any reason why SG should be allowed to exist when it has such leadership.

“And if you can do that to Ukraine, and if the Donbas [region] can be considered to be enclaves, and maybe republics, then what about Taiwan
Also why does he interferes on Taiwan? We will do whatever we like and he better sit down and stay silent

or other parts of non-Han China? So that’s a very difficult question.”
Its not a difficult question at all. If he doesn't stop spouting nonsense, we might as well as go and get SG for a naval base and to decolonise them. We would be doing a favour to LKY in removing these parasites which control Singapore nowadays


Senior Member
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I might have overestimated Lee Hsien Loong. Not a smart move.
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Someone should have told PM Lee that the sovereign matter of Ukraine had already lost ever since the US sponsored coup in Kiev in 2014. Being blind not seeing the elephant in the room won't help at all in advancing the case.

Now Russia talks with muscle In Ukraine to get heard their very concerns! One should also tell PM Lee that acting as a chihuahua yapping at neighbor's pit bull is far from wise an action!


Lieutenant General
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In 2020, Germany burnt 171 TWh of natural gas to produce 59 TWh of electricity. The total consumption of natural gas in Germany in 2020 was 871 TWh. Values in the table are in PJ (i.e. divide by 3.6). Six nuclear reactors produced 61 TWh in the same year.
Three of those six nuclear reactors in Germany were closed down last year. The remaining three are planned to be closed down this year. The gas burned is also being used to cover energy production shortfalls from renewables like wind and solar. Nuclear cannot be used to cover variable loads. To the limited extent that nuclear can be used on variable loads, it cannot cover the extreme high variability of wind and solar power. And German reactors don't even have the limited variable load facilities that, say, French reactors have. The hardware is not there. They are screwed. And they will have to shut down industry or people will get blackouts. And what industry does remain open will not be competitive.

Russia can easily cut down gas supplies to Europe if necessary. The winter is over and their own gas storage should be fairly depleted. Russia has the largest gas storage facilities in the world. 72.6 bcm worth. They export 155 bcm to Europe yearly. So they can simply stop pumping gas to Europe and put it into their own gas storage. And if the Europeans don't want more gas, they can slowly ramp down production at gas fields and gently close them down over a period of months.


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