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while several ASEAN foreign ministers are in Beijing, America's pimp in Asia has gone to Washington to report.
I don't really get what Singapore is doing here, they could have benefited from being neutral like all the other ASEAN states. The US so far didn't even dare to sanction them, what makes Singapore chose differently here?


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I don't really get what Singapore is doing here, they could have benefited from being neutral like all the other ASEAN states. The US so far didn't even dare to sanction them, what makes Singapore chose differently here?
They never could, Singapore is just a western money clearing house for western finance. Singapore is just taking their cut of a big money stream to finance their society. If they get sanctioned indirectly its over for Singapore.


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"the old era of covert action is dead. The world doesn't run in secret anymore. We are now living in the Age of Overt Action"

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National Endowment for (hahaha) Democracy (NED)

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Unfortunately, for most people, it is much easy to see it's strength and the other's weakness. For Biden, the biggest problem is that after Trump, US dollar is not as dominate as before, the trade war really reduces US dollar's effectiveness.(see Triffin's dilemma on relation between US dollar's status and US deficit) And that plus the covid pandemic, is a very very high US inflation. And the sanctions is going to back fire.


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It's abit more complicated that that. For example in my understanding, whichis mostly limited to groups I normally interact with, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia Chinese. It's mostly the westernised, the rich elite especially in Singapore that drink the western kool-aid. These people, and their kids are influenced by pro western media, growing up they view China as a poor, backward country. The west as more advanced, richer civilization. They may speak some Chinese, celebrate some Chinese culture but truthfully their heart is not in it. Now this might change over time, as China gets increasingly prosperous economically, and more advanced technologically, more influential globally, and possessing higher and higher living standards.

I got a true story, my relatives acquaintance in Singapore, guy belongs to Chinese upper middle class in Singapore, parents are professionals, him and siblings all educated in UK, now married into rich family. During the height of trade war when US under trump kept adding sanctions after sanctions, this guy actually suggested China should not resist the US and just capitulate, his main reasoning is he wants cordial relations, for good business conditions and also it might affect his kids later on studying in US or UK, as he doesn't want his Chinese looking kids to get hate crimed.

Mind boggling but right away, you can tell 2 things from minds of typical rich Chinese or elite in Singapore. Self preservation and the love of sending their kids to western countries for education. Love of prestige from a Western education yes, but not exactly, self hating imo, just very selfish and bootlicker.

For rest of Singapore, it seems overall majority still have a favorable view of China, by the result of the pew poll, which I'm little surprised with. Although they also probably have a comparable favorable view of US. Nevertheless, just going online, there is another segment who are vehemently anti China, these are also western bootlickers. They are pro Taiwan, pro US aligned countries. They have the same mentality of hk roaches with a sense of superiority. Thankfully they are probably in minority.

As for Malaysian Chinese, and indonesian Chinese, as you pointed out, they are minority in their country of birth. They have been dealt with pretty crappy hands in the past. Namely the racist bumiputra policy in Malaysia. The CIA sponsored anti communist massacre, anti Chinese discriminatory policies, post Suharto regime riots targeting local Chinese in indonesia. despite this the Chinese population in these two countries also managed to do well economically for themselves during the boom times, while getting fed western propaganda of anti China, anti communist crap. Moreover, the "China" they identify with growing up, is the more prosperous hk and tw. So while they have grievances towards their government, China isn't wat they look towards to. Again this will change i believe in time. And already changing day by day. Having said that, some of most fervent pro Chinese diaspora I come across online are from Indonesia and to some extent Singapore and Malaysia.

I do not think however China government has any designs on overseas Chinese diaspora, we are citizens of other countries. Uniting us with China will probably raise Hostility and suspicion from our own countries governments lol. The way I see it in future is more economic integration and ties. My worthless 2 cents.
As a Chinese myself 2nd-gen being born in some Asian land as a minority in some undesirable situation, I can just attest what you described as very close to the actual condition. Very good and prudent observation, far from sensation and out of touch analysis.

China's progress and prosperity will be ultimately shouldered and determined by the efforts of the people in mainland China, being led by superior political system under CPC, powered by more than 1400+ million people. So how the Chinese diaspora may perceive about China won't determine China's success or failure. Thus to put any overemphasis of such nonexistent importance is inaccurate and mislead any proper view and judgement -- and sorry to say, fruitless discussion!

Over time as China is growing more and more apparent in its grandness and glorious state in all fields of life, those Chinese diaspora will naturally become more inclined to China and build new appreciation to the mainland China, an ongoing process over time, if they have not been so, as well as being less banana for some segment, appreciate more and gain higher confidence on own ethnicity. All these negative and inferiority complex are inevitable outcome, resulted from a Civilization that fell so harsh to its nadir, the very low point, for over 150 years, truly horrible situation, no words are sufficient to depict these very long and very severe agonies.... Just a few decade huge improvement is still not adequate to erase all the stigmas and the resulted bad image, low appreciation, etc... that came out as the "Giant Sick Man of Asia" and so forth.

Of course having a topmost state of economy backed by the mightiest military adorned with some very visible high profile of large fleet of CSGs plus menacing strategic long-range nuke bombers, etc... on top of the most excellent achievements in science and technology in many areas under some undisputable state will alter this situation completely! Give extra confidence & prestige like the US earns all these decades. Right now there are still some gray areas, the situation is not quite apparent! Not yet been there!

It will still take few more decades for China to climb up to its undisputable excellent achievements in all fields of importance: economy & financial; military; science & technology, arts & cultures, etc... that no sane Chinese descendant will dare to look down on mainland China (for it will simply look quite silly and out of touch) or maintain the unhealthy inferiority complex that "Yellow" is of lower quality and only "White" is excellent (worshipping White) and other banana sh*tty mentality.

In the meantime, let's all be realistic and pragmatic and not be overly swayed in either direction. The very fate of China lies upon those people live in Mainland China, the land of my grandparents, all others are more or closer to the cheerleading crowd.
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