Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
I'll try to explain with my cursory understanding of finance. So the guy tried shorting the nickel stock, which is like a bet that the price will go down. However, the nickel price suddenly shot up, making him lost that bet and now he has to buy the stock at the price to give back the stocks he used to short.

He doesn't have enough money to cover those short, and the bank that is backing up his margin call is apparently a big one, JPM. Now JPM has the job to bail the guy out of that position, but since both parties can't pay, so through some insider influence, they asked them to shutdown the London stock exchange for Nickel and reverse their trading position.

The thing is though, reversing that amount of volume just for that guy, broke the trust in the system. So now we're seeing an exodus of traders from LME to other metal exchange market and the price of the nickel stock gone tumbling down.

Someone please help me check if I what I said is accurate.
Also just to add to my previous points, which other markets can the western traders go to? China is by far the biggest buyer of the metals on the London Metals Exchange. Who can they do trades with besides China? Which other commodities exchange can they possibly go to? Shanghai Metal Exchange? This supposed "exodus" is a joke.


Registered Member
Double posted but still funny as hell.
Lol, how low the USA has sunk when he got completely owned by a Indian Anchor who should by profession not be as well read or as articulate as a supposed professor. Just goes to show how low the USA has truly sunk at this point in literally every way that matters. At least I can’t fault some one from India in regards to how well they know how to speak in general but as a professor, come on, to be owned this hard by an foreign news anchor…. Yeah sooner or later the USA is going to sink itself so hard that they would have no choice but to be a slave to an Indian to survive, at that point death would be preferable


Registered Member
Europe should get some rubles
Lol, all the posturing and they actually have this little in their collective deck… yeah I hope the USA is ready to help these ding dings will all of their fuel because after 40 days, Europe is going to become a massive liability if the USA cannot help these idiots that they helped to create with their NGOs and their woke bullcrap that now I am convinced that the EU is lead by retards and heartless vermin


Registered Member
That is a bunch of BS you read from western media, you are just regurgitating cope propaganda about how the west lost a bunch of money and how China supposedly "cheated" in the London metals exchange.

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is one the world's nickel producer, the short position is just their hedge. All commodities producers buy shorts as a hedge, that's the raison d'etre of commodities shorts, to protect the producers in case the market goes south.

Second, everything was normal until Russian-Ukraine conflict, the west decides it wants to stop the import of russian commodities, oil, gas, metals, etc. Glencore, intune with western policies decides to short squeeze Tsingshan since it knows blocking the export of russian nickels would cause the price to go sky high.

Third, Glencore and other western traders bet that Tsingshan currently doesn't have enough inventory of nickel to cover their existing contracts. Prices exploded, then Tsingshan made a statement they had enough nickel to fulfill their short contracts 200000 tons (which are still above their profit price point). LME decided to shutdown the market and reverse some of the trades? Why? Cause Glencore and the other traders would get wiped out and can't pay. They would have to fulfill their buy obligations for 200000 Tons of Nickel delivered unless they could find another buyer. Who in the world (besides China of course) could possibly take delivery for that much Nickel at an absurdly high price?

Fourth, so where did the western traders' plan go wrong? Normally Tsingshan would have enough inventory to cover their shorts since they are a Nickel producer. If they couldn't cover their bets they could always buy from the spot market, which always have ample supplies due to Russian exports. Glencore thought since LME suddenly banned Russian Nickel, Tsingshan couldn't cover the shorts, so western traders could make a massive profit and the short squeeze happened. When Tsingshan assured the market they had enough inventory to cover their positions, the rumor came out that China had opened its national metals reserve to Tsingshan. The massive bubble was about to pop, so the traders complained to LME to get them to suspend the market, while they figure out how not to get wiped out. In the end they convinced LME to reverse some of their trades, so the trading firms still survive but lose a hefty sum.

If the LME (now owned by HK) didn't suspend the market and reverse some trades, many western commodities traders would get wiped out and Tsingshan would make an even bigger profit. Of course, the western media has to spin its own version of the story to cope with their massive losses. In the end, this was just another failed commodities financial war against China and its domestic firms, which usually doesn't go well for the other side.

This was basically the confusing part to me. As I understood Tsingshan held a lot of shorts. However, as the foremost producer of Nickel, the explosive price of nickel was still a net benefit. From another article, it was stated that Tsingshan could shuffle things around and escape the short squeeze (which is why the company is not collapsing)

Honestly, the whole episode really just sounds like one of those times capitalism is punching itself in the face...


New Member
Registered Member
I wonder if this the result of foresight on the effects of the pandemic, preparation for Russia's war on Ukraine, or they have always stockpiled before 2019? Maybe all.
It's just common sense. You can either hold durable commodities or USD that can be taken away from you ("frozen") at any time. The main reason they don't buy more commodities is because the supply cannot support it. They would move the price too much.

Buying commodities and BRI is their approach to dealing with the mountain of USD they hold.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I wonder if this the result of foresight on the effects of the pandemic, preparation for Russia's war on Ukraine, or they have always stockpiled before 2019? Maybe all.
At one point, you have to convert your cash to real assets. Same is true from personal level to state level.

The moment Trump was elected, China's dollar reserve started to decline slowly. That cash has to be spent somewhere. It is no coincidence at the height of the pandemic in 2020, China state oil buys too much oil when nobody needs it. Or just before the Ukraine war, China buys Russian wheat.

Somebody in President Xi admin is looking for these opportunities.