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Registered Member
I don't have high hopes. Modi will turn this into a PR victory

China throws in the towel, seeks alliance with Superpower 2020
That's fine by me, but I wonder how he will square this "victory" with the fact that he will soon be agreeing to the peaceful transfer of South Tibet and Kashmir....


Registered Member
What they mean is more American hostility against Iran. Which will be hard to do given the fact America will soon be lifting all sanctions on Iran and allow them to continue their nuclear programme.

Ultimately Russia is in the background getting Arabs and Iranians to work together. If they did and agreed to a 1970s style oil embargo, America and Europe are finished.


Senior Member
Registered Member
That's to be expected, after all they both rely heavily on US military hardware and servicemen for their security. But the fact that they've been pulling moves like UAE opting out of F-35 purchase for Huawei's 5G and working with both Russia and China on military cooperation, shows that the US influence over these two countries to have degraded such a degree, that they can no longer have to follow US every command and that they can afford using China and Russia as leverages against US to gain more concessions.

In the future, I expect further cooperation of both of those countries with China and Russia in many fields, especially military, in order to gain even more leverage against US to suck up more concessions. This is not a sustainable position for the US to be in.


Registered Member
Not sure if this belongs to the Funny Thread.

Serves Boris right. He's been acting more anti Russian than even the Americans. The important parts of the EU (Germany, France) want the Ukraine to grant concessions, even America is coming round to the idea.

While the UK is full "Ukraine should be able to join NATO if they want to". Basically trying to drag NATO into WW3 at this point. At the end of this the UK will be more isolated than North Korea.