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Registered Member
You gonna link that to EROEI or sumthing? Stop this superstition man.
Nope but EROEI has to do with peak oil with also related closely to petrodollar... and the petrodollar is dying/dead, we have crossed the point of inflection already.

Does anything think the US is going to stand by and watch itself losing the petrodollar hegemony and thus its preeminence in the world without a fight? Both covert *and* overt?

I hope Xi reconsiders the visit to Saudi in April, or at least let them come to Beijing, or better yet do it remotely and securely with quantum encryption.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Nope but EROEI has to do with peak oil with also related closely to petrodollar... and the petrodollar is dying/dead, we have crossed the point of inflection already.

Does anything think the US is going to stand by and watch itself losing the petrodollar hegemony and thus its preeminence in the world without a fight? Both covert *and* overt?

I hope Xi reconsiders the visit to Saudi in April, or at least let them come to Beijing, or better yet do it remotely and securely with quantum encryption.

Xi Jinping should not travel to Saudi. Very risky during these times with current geopolitical tensions. Very bad idea.

Americans are desperate. Desperate people to desperate things.


Registered Member
America isn't going to suddenly start bringing down civilian airliners to get at China. They have better covert ways of doing that.

Even with the pilot suicide theory, don't modern planes have controls to reduce that risk?


New Member
Registered Member
Was the flight MH370 ruled as pilot suicide?
It remains uncertain as there's no black boxes, voice recorder and such was found till today unlike the German case. For China's crashed plane no report so far of pilot reporting any kind of problems to command center prior crash, diving at such height and angle within minutes, too little details at the moment, hopefully we will know the cause soon.