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Has this been shared before?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please remember that Deutsche Welle (DW) is a trans-atlanticist propaganda and misinformation outlet stationed in Germany and has little or nothing to do with Germany.
They're wasting their time. They already think Chinese support Russia lmao what does a few translated social media comments do? It in fact weakens their attempt to get China to ditch Russia.


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Anyone knows about this think-tank? Supposedly they advice the Chinese government
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He's a globalist coward that wants to basically play inside the US system and "win" rather than create a new system. Spoiler alert: how do you win when the other side controls the rules and doesn't want you to win? You can't. EU had higher GDP than US in 2009-2014 then bam, it's down again. Why? We all know the answer.


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American delusions are kinda amusing
As Chinese would say: "早干嘛去了?" And this is yet another example of me having said many times that US always wants to have the cake and eat it too when it comes to China. I have decent amount of respect for Richard Haas as a foreign affairs expert. But he cannot escape from the law of "屁股决定脑袋"。
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Why do the people who caused the problems in the world today keep telling China what to do? Very bizarre behavior, the Chinese leadership must believe the West suffers from mass bipolar disorder.
Like it or not. The world does need leadership. And China can, should, and must fill that void.


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By Andrea Shalal and Michael Martina

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who is due to meet with China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi in Rome on Monday, warned Beijing that it would "absolutely" face consequences if it helped Moscow evade sweeping sanctions over the war in Ukraine.

Sullivan told CNN the United States believed China was aware that Russia was planning some action in Ukraine before the invasion took place, although Beijing may not have understood the full extent of what was planned.

Now, he said, Washington was watching closely to see to what extent Beijing provided economic or material support to Russia, and would impose consequences if that occurred.

"We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing, that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions, evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them," Sullivan said. "We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world."

A senior administration official said the war in Ukraine would be a "significant topic" during Sullivan's meeting with Yang, which is part of a broader effort by Washington and Beijing to maintain open channels of communication and manage competition between the world's two largest economies..."


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During the trade wars, many people thought Xi had capitulated.

On this point, I would disagree.

The trade war was all for show. It was all political theater.

Trade wars are discussed right there in the textbook from school, and examples in history, all show the same thing. Trade goes down after the tariffs, and that is it.

Eventually, trade can go back up, after everyone gets used to the tariff.

The trade war did exactly what was expected. The excepted outcomes, really were not that significant.

Politically, people could spin it anyway they want. Realistically, the trade war never had a chance, because it was against what is theoretically correct.

It was like the American leadership did not understand the textbook. The Chinese side, had to be shocked. The CCP had to make sure, that those guys were actually serious! The irony is that those economic textbooks were all written by Americans, lol.

Xi Jinping, when he was a young cadre, was sent to the American midwest to learn about American farming and agriculture production.

The Americans taught him what they knew, and Xi took home a lot of notes and real knowledge. Then a few decades later, the Americans were telling Xi, what they taught him, does not work! Although Xi saw first hand what he learned from the Americans, worked great!

The trade war, all bullshit.

Those guys who started it, never read the textbook.



This moment is going to test Pres. Xi's leadership and the rest of the CPC in how it deals with Russian economic needs versus the pressures from American self-inflicted interests and intransigence, belligerence against China’s own core interest in Taiwan. If they capitulate, they might as well drop the pretense of trying to take over Taiwan by peaceful means or the unthinkable.

Why not just admit that China is only interested in enriching itself, it only cares about $$ and nothing else. No wonder China has always maintained that it has no interest in becoming the leader of the world. They just want the world to get along for the sake of getting along. What a stupid and naive things to believe. They must offer an ideological narrarive to underpin that idealistic goal, otherwise their reach, influence, will quickly crumbles if and when China's economic might wanes down the road. After all, nothing lasts forever, but ideas with a strong foundation lasts a lifetime. There is a reason why American narrarive and ideology penetrates the minds and hearts of people accross the globe. I digress.

I admit, that there is nothing wrong with the Chinese leadership is doing and aiming for, after all, it's core interest and tenet is to serve and protect the Chinese people in China first and foremost. But China, wether they like it or not, must learn to accept that the world isn't what it was once or used to be. They have to take the mantle of leadership like it or not, and hiding behind some feel good rhetoric isn't going to cut it, nor would it shield China from the malevolent forces both within and exceedingly from the outside. End rant.

The most important ideology the CPC offers is nationalism. Never underestimate the nationalism of a country with 5000 years of history and 1.4 billion people.

History has already shown that the entire world could be mired in a dark age and China would be just fine.

Not saying that is the goal, just giving some perspective.