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Lol who are you trying to convince here nutcase? And now you have pretended youre a resident of Malaysia this time, geez louise. You're quite a persistent stalker always coming up with your pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo. If what you have been preaching all these months are true, then why the persistency to keep on coming back trying to tell us that China is doom?

I mean, shit, your infallible analysis is supposed to be better than all of the entire American think tanks, billionaire investors like Ray Dalio, Elon Musk etc. who are very bullish on the INEVITABLE CHINA'S RISE BABY. Lol Who the f..k are you, and what's your credentials?

Your comparing countries (Singapore, South Korea) and a province (Taiwan) as proof that China can't match, and sustain their economic successes is just beyond hilarious. I don't even know why people respond to you politely, when you're literally bringing nothing to the debate but meaningless meandering diatribe. U.S. rules, China socks, now deal with it. That's your entire analysis at the most basic level. Nuts.
I mean hey, what if he actually moved to Malaysia just so he can post on SDF again, lol?


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The US intelligence agencies have such a totalizing control over their respective populaces that they can make the public believe *anything* they want. Its incredible. What it also shows: the US intelligence agenices have a totalizing surveillance apparatus on all foreign governments, foreign corporates and foreign media organizations that nothing escapes their reach and are able to manipulate governments, rig elections and set narratives on a dime
That is definitely sleepy talk. And yet they lost in Afghanistan, Vietnam, cuba, couldn’t get rid of maduro, or Putin. They can’t control inflation or their ports.
Scott Rozelle's book "Invisible China" documents that all the Tigers had workforces with larger college-degree and high-school degree rates.

Whether they had technological control was irrelevant b/c they could freely buy the technological frontier.

Economic growth both preceeding 1941 and proceeding 1945 all matter.

Growth matters because it removes per capita effects and top-line growth is the most used economic variable
Ahhh yes, invisible china, the book is a Gordon Chang’s wet dream. They think china will go the way of Mexico due to low rural education and malnutrition rates. But how many international companies did Mexico produce, or high tech companies. Mexico never was able to produce the high tech products that China can. Also Argentina, Russia, Philippines had higher high school education and college education percentage rates, but I doubt you’d find anyone thinking those countries are more ahead of China. Otherwise they would be deemed the most serious competition for the US, not china.

Your opinion on the tigers doesn’t mean squat if you think technological control is not important. it is one of the most important aspects. if the tigers could freely but the technological frontier, why didn’t they buy those companies?

you like to spit or graphs and stats but don’t really understand what you’re talking about.


No, China is not a tiger but the laws of physics apply in China as they do in any other country.
That WHAT??? The laws of physics??? LOLOL You don't know exponentials or economics and now you don't even know what qualifies as a law of physics?? Quote the law of "physics" you're trying to apply; I dare you.
That China would somehow achieve faster growth than the Tigers despite greater headwinds and China presently growing slower than the Tigers at the same per capita GDP levels shows that 5% out to 2035 is, erm, not happening. Even a pre-sanction, pre-COVID paper funded by the State Council suggests that.
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The tigers were little puppets of America; they survived on niches fed to them for their subordination. China takes roles from the US/West one by one by its own merit to their horror. The tigers would crumble in days if the US went to economic war with them; China has never been in America's good books but has always grown nonetheless. Everything China has, it has despite the US; everything the tigers had, they had because of the US. These two are opposite and incomparable.
lol, wut? Its larger in China. Chinese household budgets have far larger percentages of income to food, utilities and other necessities that don't improve power.
Huh? Huh what? You can't follow the simple logic? Welfare. Hello. Get back on topic. 1.4B Chinese people eat more food than 330M, doesn't mean more welfare is handed out because they don't have the same dependence on welfare as Americans. Your entire premise doesn't even make sense. It's like saying team one has 100 people and team 2 has 10, therefore team 2 should have an advantage because 10 people eat less than 100 people and so they spend less money on food. It's stupid from the start. They will get overrun by the achievements of 100 people.
You don't need to ctrl+f to find the rate of change between 2019 and 2018. And in any case, you aren't assuming large fiscal expansions of R&D in the United States (that are obviously coming down the line) coupled with a general deceleration in the Chinese economy (as even the PBOC is predicting).
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ou said 8%. There is no 8% in the article. Where is it from? Did you make it up again? What is this new garbage you are posting to avoid that question?
What does that have to do with how every China R&D is slowly becoming less effacious due to increasing wages?
Because if that's the measure you go by, then the US will always be less efficient than China. And also because the real world result is that China is moving faster and has been accelerating faster eversince the tech war.
China is growing faster because of deeper capital formation. China's total factor productivity growth is very slow. China isn't dynamic. The United States is dynamic.
The United States is only dynamic for how much crime you'll experience going out in a big city at night. China grows faster; that's the definition of dynamic and that's the end result.
The only "tech innovation" that is fast in China is the rate at which China buys foreign technology
If that's true, the US wouldn't be sweating like an ice cold beer on a summer day. Where did China buy its 5G/Quantum satellite/artificial sun/ship railgun from? Aliens? LOL Funny people always freaking out trying to stop a China that they see is out-innovating them while trying to calm themselves with lies that China can't innovate. Don't panic then; don't send useless pigs in suits like Pompeo all over the world whose every sentence centers around China; don't make every speech and presidential election about China LOL
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Junior Member
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That WHAT??? The laws of physics??? LOLOL You don't know exponentials or economics and now you don't even know what qualifies as a law of physics?? Quote the law of "physics" you're trying to apply; I dare you.

The Tigers were little puppets of America; they survive on a niche fed to them for their subordination. China takes roles from the US/West one by one to their horror. The tigers would crumble in days if the US went to economic war with them; China has never been in America's good books but has grown nonetheless. Everything China has, it has despite the US; everything the tigers had, they had because of the US. These two are opposite and incomparable.

Huh? Huh what? You can't follow the simple logic? Welfare. Hello. Get back on topic. 1.4B Chinese people eat more food than 330M, doesn't mean more welfare is handed out because they don't have the same dependence on welfare. Your entire premise doesn't even make sense. It's like saying team one has 100 people and team 2 has 10, therefore team 2 should have an advantage because 10 people eat less than 100 people and so they spend less money on food. It's stupid from the start. They will get overrun by the achievements of 100 people.

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ou said 8%. There is no 8% in the article. Where is it from? Did you make it up again?

Because if that's the measure you go by, then the US will always be less efficient than China. And also because the real world result is that China is moving faster and has been accelerating faster eversince the tech war.

The United States is only dynamic for how much crime you'll experience going out in a big city at night. China grows faster; that's the definition of dynamic and that's the end result.

If that's true, the US wouldn't be sweating like an ice cold beer on a summer day. Where did China buy its 5G/Quantum satellite/artificial sun/ship railgun from? Aliens? LOL Funny people always freaking out trying to stop a China that they see is out-innovating them while trying to calm themselves with lies that China can't innovate. Don't panic then; don't make every speech and presidential election about China then LOL
Just stop replying to him.... These shenanigans have to stop. Well unless you are entertaining yourself. Which myself as a reader isn't.


I wonder what is his agenda? Personal vandetta? Gordon chang's understudy or even the man himself? What's he's in here for. Fame? Recognition?

He's a Sinophobe, but can't use a third-grade power to base his denigratory judgment of China. So he used the hegemon as the benchmark relative to China to underpin his drivel that China is still behind. It's easy to guess his ethnicity.