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No, China is not a tiger but the laws of physics apply in China as they do in any other country. That China would somehow achieve faster growth than the Tigers despite greater headwinds and China presently growing slower than the Tigers at the same per capita GDP levels shows that 5% out to 2035 is, erm, not happening. Even a pre-sanction, pre-COVID paper funded by the State Council suggests that.
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lol, wut? Its larger in China. Chinese household budgets have far larger percentages of income to food, utilities and other necessities that don't improve power.

You don't need to ctrl+f to find the rate of change between 2019 and 2018. And in any case, you aren't assuming large fiscal expansions of R&D in the United States (that are obviously coming down the line) coupled with a general deceleration in the Chinese economy (as even the PBOC is predicting).
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What does that have to do with how every China R&D is slowly becoming less effacious due to increasing wages?

China is growing faster because of deeper capital formation. China's total factor productivity growth is very slow. China isn't dynamic. The United States is dynamic. The only "tech innovation" that is fast in China is the rate at which China buys foreign technology
I get headache, when I read all of his posts.


Registered Member
I get headache, when I read all of his posts.
This fella being literally a stalker on a military forum pretty much trying to insist his version of reality, and version of China are the correct one despite the stack of evidence and history against him and his drivel. Now just imagine how he must be to any person leaving that fella for someone else or just wanting to end the relationship. The guy is just going to go on full metal jacket nutjob. Lol


Registered Member
Part 2

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The Chinese always repeat the same thing, that the Cold War is over.

The Cold War was a byproduct of the Second World War, which was a byproduct of the First World War, and of course that war to end all wars was the direct product of that era that article just described.

What the Chinese are really saying, is that this is obsolete.

It may not be obsolete to the American military industrial complex, but it is obsolete to virtually everyone else.

Thanks, but no thanks.



Junior Member
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No, China is not a tiger but the laws of physics apply in China as they do in any other country. That China would somehow achieve faster growth than the Tigers despite greater headwinds and China presently growing slower than the Tigers at the same per capita GDP levels shows that 5% out to 2035 is, erm, not happening. Even a pre-sanction, pre-COVID paper funded by the State Council suggests that.
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I think how things will turn out for China is hard to predict. but you are right that China is not similar to Asian Tigers. The Asian tigers are small exporting economies. They are not threatening, thus less headwind for market access. But they don't have any domestic market to speak of and they never controlled core tech in any meaningful way. China is the opposite.