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PRC replaced ROC in the UN because the US only 'indirectly allowed it' after tricky parliamentary rules moving the goalpost from 50% to 66% threshold and forcing a 'two China' proposal (which got defeated thankfully) after it became abundantly clear majority of UNGA was in favor PRC admission. It was an fait accompli that no amount of US manipulation or power abuse can overcome.

US pushed aggressively to thwart the majority UNGA vote by shifting the goal posts to a supermajority (66%) rather than a simple majority (50%) and tried a failed attempt at a "Two China" solution, and you are trying to tell me US didn't want to stop PRC from replacing ROC? US didn't vote 'no' to save face, it got it's ass kicked by the democratic will of UNGA over it's unjust exclusion of PRC and just refuses to admit defeat.

US mental gymnastics has it always winning even though it experienced "the biggest US defeat in United Nations history" according to one
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. Same in Korean bugout withdrawal, same in Vietnam, and in one day , same with Taiwan conquest.
Kissinger secretly visits China in July 9th 1971, then Albania raises the proposition for the Restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations on July 15th, quite a coincidence don't you think?

Nixon and Kissinger have been planning the rapprochement with China for a long time, they then suddenly paradrop the foreign policy newbie Bush into the US ambassador to UN (chief whip position) in March 1971, interesting choice don't you think?

Kissinger was visiting China around the same time the vote took place, they knew and discussed this sends a wrong message to US allies who think Nixon was conspiring with China, but decide to go ahead with the trip anyway without applying maximum pressure on the votes of US allies.
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and in particular the transcript
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Of course USA wanted to stop PRC from regaining the UN seat, but this was probably negotiated as a precondition for Nixon's trip to China in 1972.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Kissinger secretly visits China in July 9th 1971, then Albania raises the proposition for the Restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations on July 15th, quite a coincidence don't you think?
And guess who raised the proposition for a "Two China" resolution countless times after Kissinger's visit? The United States.
Nixon and Kissinger have been planning the rapprochement with China for a long time, they then suddenly paradrop the foreign policy newbie Bush into the US ambassador to UN (chief whip position) in March 1971, interesting choice don't you think?
But US didn't want to eject ROC from UN. That's the point. It can aggressively fight against PRC admission, but when reality sets in that it's impossible, the US still fought hard until the last minute for a "Two China" solution which still got defeated.
Kissinger was visiting China around the same time the vote took place, they knew and discussed this sends a wrong message to US allies who think Nixon was conspiring with China, but decide to go ahead with the trip anyway without applying maximum pressure on the votes of US allies.
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and in particular the transcript
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Your source confirms US was still fighting tooth and nail for the "Two China" solution and it was an extremely close vote.
Of course USA wanted to stop PRC from regaining the UN seat, but this was probably negotiated as a precondition for Nixon's trip to China in 1972.
You realized the "Two China" resolution got defeated the same evening KMT-ROC ejection resolution passed? It was a fait accompli, US didn't have a choice because it lost biggly.

I highly suggest this article that gives a great history behind it.
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Registered Member
US mental gymnastics has it always winning even though it experienced "the biggest US defeat in United Nations history" according to one
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. Same in Korean bugout withdrawal, same in Vietnam, and in one day , same with Taiwan conquest.

Something big is happening in the world.

We can sense it, but we really do not know what.

America, a QUAD member, is thinking about sanctioning India, another QUAD member.

What the heck? Something is going in the world, where China is a bystander, and seems like the crap hit the fan, and China mostly avoiding it.

The Russians I think over-reacted, but the west has over-reacted even more.

Why they threatening to slap India? What did they do?

Seems to me, nothing good will come out of it for those people who over-react. LOL.

As for the propaganda, I once saw a documentary by the US Army on the Korean War.

So the Chinese kicked their butts with that attack, and gave the US Marines their worst retreat in their history. They ran away because they routed by the PVA.

But the narration of the retreat in the movie, "The US Marines marched towards their freedom."


That is the difference, between US propaganda and Chinese propaganda.

Chinese propaganda likes to present some facts, and give you something to chew on.

American propaganda wants you to stop thinking altogether, and accept those stories about the retreat, as a "March to Freedom," uncritically.

It's a cultural difference.


Look at what we read in the news today.

Same old, same old.



Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I highly recommend reading story of "
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." It's a great read about how US got it's ass kicked at UNGA despite all of it's dirty ass tricks and how close the vote was.


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  • For all practical purposes the entire Nazi concentration of course in the Donbass is now locked into an operational cauldron.
  • The same is true for the Nazi forces in Mariupol. For them, it’s curtain down, show over.
  • There is a large Nazi force left in only one location: Odessa. It appears that the Russians want to encircle it and then take a final decision on how to deal with this city.
The longer recap is here:
  • On the informational war, the West gave Russia a thorough thrashing: RT and Sputnik are banned everywhere, absolutely insane rumors are circulating (see example below), I know for fact that some US colleges have banned their computers from accessing any .ru or .su websites – yes entire domain names are being shut down – Russian diplomats get assaulted (in one of the 3Bs statelets if I remember correctly).
  • The western PSYOP onslaught is so powerful that even some people in Russia are fearful and sincerely worry “what will happen to us next?!”.
  • Western IT companies are disconnecting, throttling, while “private” western crackers are unleashing DDoS attack on pretty much all the main Russian websites, not only informational ones, but also those who are used to run the civilian infrastructure of Russia. I am not impressed by how much (or little) Russian PR people did to prepare for this which was easy to see coming. Here, again, the West so far is winning, but a huge margin.
  • The western society is displaying its hatred of all things Russian in every way it can: hundereds and maybe thousands of students are summarily expelled from western colleges (which used to be bastions of freedom). In a Swiss city the child of a friend of mine was beat up in school for being an “evil Russian”. Artists are expelled, others pressured to condemn their own country and president, western presstitutes and politicians unceasingly vomit at Russia, Russians and everything Russian!
Which tells me how truly impotent and frustrated they are:)

In other words, the real magnitude of the Ukrainian defeat will become impossible to conceal in just a few days. Then the narrative will shift from the “invincible Ukie Volkssturn” to “Russian atrocities”.

But don’t get too upset too soon. For one thing, the authorities in Russia have FINALLY declared both Dozhd and Meduza as foreign agents and it seems these two zioliberal sewers are finally being shut down. Seeing how Medvedev is trying to repaint himself as a patriot, I think that the Atlantic Integrationists are now realizing that they were stupid to listen to the western propaganda.

( . . . )

One week into the Russian special operation in the Ukraine – update 20220302

So we are a week in and I think it is time to take short pause and see what happened over the last 7 days.

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Red Scare Redux.