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When you read those articles, you realize they are always talking about either dollar operations or offices in other countries where the companies have to adhere to local laws & sanctions. If China wanted to shun Russia, they would not have signed a huge gas deal and lifted the wheat import bans.


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Guys ... if the closure of the Ukrainian War thread results in the continuation of spreading propaganda, political discussions and so on, I will immediately ban those!

So keep in mind, this is NOT a political thread but a "World News - NO Discussion - thread!"Last warning.

If you want to discuss what I perfectly understand, then go to another forum.


Registered Member
Congrats to those people, that nation will be the first to fall to third world country status, a well deserved fate for all the colonising and harm they have brought to the planets, they will be the first to show the world how bad things will be when all those start to fall. I wonder how they intend to feed and allow their population to survive in the event that every falls apart.
Those HK condoms better be wary, they have escaped from China to a hell that is noting to be worse then anything they have ever experienced because. This nation no longer has a future worth speaking of because this nation doesn’t really produce nor those it bring anything positive to the globe and is literally foreshadowing a fate that is likely to befall the USA and much of Europe. Russia may experience some economic pain for a short while (but will pull though with Chinas help) but the UK and by extension US and Europe will experience true economic destruction from which recover is impossible (because China sees no value to saving nations that are racist and hateful and also has no resources to speak of)


That article is plain mental gymnastic self serving propaganda.

Since Russia is cut off SWIFT, it is impossible for anyone including Chinese banks to transfer EURO and Dollar payment to Russia via SWIFT. This has nothing to do with China's attitude to Russia. Bloomberg as usual twist this reality to "China shunning Russian Coal". This is equal as saying "Because US sanction Huawei, Chinese people is shunning Huawei".

I would appreciate that, either you put your comment or analysis about the article, or avoid posting such article all together.
Every articles that MSM produce nowsadays are propaganda. Even 90% of SCMP articles are propaganda against China. Since this is an English forum, I am not going to post Chinese articles and do a translation.

As for this particular article, it has a sensational headline. But nothing it said is particular wrong. Chinese banks were forced to comply with the SWIFT ban. These banks don't have a choice. These Chinese banks tell their clients that there aren't any workaround at the moment to avoid the sanction. In the short term, these Chinese companies need to find other sources of coal to fill the gap.

There are two important information that this article has not touched. That's CIPS can be an alternative but the Russian companies need to first willing to accept Yuan and set up the mechanism. That means new contracts need to sign and new payment system needs to be arranged. The second workaround is that some small Chinese banks that don't have any international exposure can set up a system with Russian banks to dedicated themselves as facility between Russia and China.

In the end of the day, this article is a propaganda but nothing it said is false. It just didn't tell the readers that this could be only a temporary set back.

And no, I do think Russia is in for a ride. Even after so many years, China still has many ups and downs for importing Iranian oil. It is only until the emerge of teapots that China has started to substantially increase its oil import from Iran. Many Chinese big banks and big oil were forced to stay in the sideline due to the threat of sanction. And no, I don't plan to comment for every articles that I post. I could consider posting less articles since a few people seem to have problem dealing with Western propaganda and their way of misinformation. Personally, I just ignore misinformation and extract data and facts from these articles.
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Russian responses against the Western sanctions.
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Russia's central bank has more than doubled its main lending rate to 20% and provided extra liquidity to banks. It intervened on the foreign currency market to support the rouble, before sanctions limited its ability to do so.

The Bank of Russia also banned Russian brokers from selling securities held by foreigners, coupon payments for foreign investors holding rouble-denominated sovereign debt and dividends to overseas shareholders in Russian companies.


A decree by President Vladimir Putin ordered exporting companies, which include some of the world's biggest energy producers, to sell 80% of their foreign currency revenues to buttress the rouble.


Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said Russia would temporarily stop foreign investors from selling Russian assets to ensure they take a considered decision, not one driven by political pressure, but did not elaborate.


Russia will use money from a rainy-day fund to limit borrowing as sanctions made it more costly, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said. The National Wealth Fund stood at $175 billion as of Feb. 1.

A government decree also showed the fund would spend up to 1 trillion roubles ($9.45 billion) to buy shares in Russian companies.


Prime Minister Mishustin said Russia would provide additional support to technology companies and may tweak tax arrangements for businesses and households affected by sanctions.

The government will also allocate additional funds to small and medium-sized businesses via a subsidised lending scheme.


Russia has banned airlines from countries including Britain, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic from its airspace after similar moves by those countries.


Junior Member
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China will not come out and say “hey Russia you be junior partner”. It isn’t something you assign like student government positions. It is reflected in economic and political reality, which China and Russia have no control over.
Totally. Those who said that don't understand how a pecking order works in the real world. US became a world hegemon not because it was shouting on its hung to the world. To the opposite, US was using real hard power over time to take advantage of everything strategic blunder that the Europeans were doing since the beginning of the WWI.

History says if China and Russia survives this round and maintain their relation for another 10 years. It is just natural that the pecking order would be China-Russia-......

All western media on this subject nowadays is just another western propaganda. No intelligence. No analysis. No value. Just a pile of craps.