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LOL, cope harder nazis. Hence why most people on this forum refers to Washington D.C. as Pistcaway.

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Peking is like a proper English word.

Same with Canton, and Cantonese. These are English nouns.

People who use the words Canton and Cantonese or Mandarin instead of putonghua in English, may interchange them without even thinking about it.

People who still use the noun Peking on a regular basis, they have the right to do so, but they sound like an old fart that does not realize time has passed them by. Peking the word in English is probably like 200 years old.

If someone wants to use the noun Peking and sound like a living fossil, then they will have the right to sound like a living fossil.

Words come and go in English language usage.

The word pedantic, we tend not to see much of anymore. I like it. We probably don't see it much now due to the damn snowflakes and their safe houses.

That's the vocabulary they like.

That's why they raised the snowflake in the opening ceremonies to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. It was like, snowflakes of the world, unite!



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Hong Kong peeps are some of the worst kind of Chinese I have ever encountered and dated. Some are too full of themselves I guess based on their proud historical connection as a colony of the British.
@Bellum_Romanum bro so is Singapore BUT Singaporeans are really accommodating and want to do business while HKG is the exact opposite, really weird and the language they spoke is so Alien in my ear. I think them not wanting to learning and speak mandarin is the real issue, they're isolated in their own bubble like that of a frog in a well.


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I remember reading on Redditor comments with 100s or 1000s of upvotes saying how strong Ukraine is and how Russia will suffer immensely fighting them or how long it will take…

Such confidences

Sounds like disinformation.

============ =============

Just my 2 cents.

I thought that when Russia started to rattle the sabre, it was to warn the Ukrainians and to alert the Europeans namely France and Germany that they should pay attention.

Russia wants to get closer to the west, but not everyone is in agreement in the west with that. Therefore, Russia should try to split the west.

Threatening war with Ukraine, is very good Russian tactic to try to split the west.

What seems puzzling, is why the Americans are doing the same policy, of saying war is imminent and Russian amour was suppose to roll into Ukraine this weekend.

Now they say in the stories that the rich people are fleeing. This is the age of internet and snap-our-ass-chat-whatever. There should be proof. There probably is none, no proof of the wealthy fleeing. The truth I would believe, the wealthy in Ukraine fled years ago.

I think the Americans misread the situation.

The Germans did not say much, other than those lightweights in the Green Party, who no one takes seriously.

The Americans did not want the Germans to use a Russian pipeline for gas, and did not want them to use Chinese telecom 5G gear.


We never got an answer from Yankee Doddle.

The Germans are serious people. They will not put up with this type bullshit forever. Time has run out it seems.

So the Americans scream hysterically about a war, that never happens.

What happened this weekend?



Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro so is Singapore BUT Singaporeans are really accommodating and want to do business while HKG is the exact opposite, really weird and the language they spoke is so Alien in my ear. I think them not wanting to learning and speak mandarin is the real issue, they're isolated in their own bubble like that of a frog in a well.
They think like they're special just like these dumb people who shill for the west.



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Peking is like a proper English word.

Same with Canton, and Cantonese. These are English nouns.

People who use the words Canton and Cantonese or Mandarin instead of putonghua in English, may interchange them without even thinking about it.

People who still use the noun Peking on a regular basis, they have the right to do so, but they sound like an old fart that does not realize time has passed them by. Peking the word in English is probably like 200 years old.

If someone wants to use the noun Peking and sound like a living fossil, then they will have the right to sound like a living fossil.

Words come and go in English language usage.

The word pedantic, we tend not to see much of anymore. I like it. We probably don't see it much now due to the damn snowflakes and their safe houses.

That's the vocabulary they like.

That's why they raised the snowflake in the opening ceremonies to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. It was like, snowflakes of the world, unite!



If I deedpoll my name from ABC to XYZ - you're just being rude, insensitive or just outright shit stirring to keep addressing me by my "old" name. More importantly, you'd be legally wrong to do so.

Yes, my name of ABC existed in the past and that's where it remains. Unless you're discussing the appropriate period, that name doesn't apply to me anymore - legally or personally. To carry on is to allude to a past period and connoting it to the present.

Likewise, try standing in a pub in Dublin and purposely calling modern Britain as The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and see where that gets you. Similarly, East Timor, Northern or Southern Rhodesia and any number of countries that achieved and celebrate independance with a name change (amongst other things). People do not fight a bloody war to achieve independance only for the culturally or historically blind to blithely ignore the new world order.

So what period of history did the name Peking exist in?
Why would a white imperialist wish to continue using an old name to imply conditions that no longer exist? Rude? Insensitive? Shit Stirring?

Since you wish to exercise selective entitlement to the use of words - can I invite you to conduct a speech in Nanking extolling the beauties of Manchukuo? (Both still nouns in various languages and really only used in academia or by old farts reminiscing of past glory days). Or maybe please lead a BLM rally while using "Negro" everytime you refer to African-Americans? I will gladly pay your airfare.

Yes, I too dislike modern PC culture and the inability of people to laugh at themselves. But yet, blatantly addressing people or groups of people or entire nations wrongly and then calling them snowflakes or pedants when they react to you is just .... wrong and typical bully behaviour (expecting victims to suck thumb and go to a corner quietly).


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The chef explained that the Palestinians thought that the Chinese dishes were mainly based on insects, cockroaches and killed animals like monkeys, donkeys, dogs, and others. The reality is entirely different, he said.

"I found that Chinese food is very nutritional and is also very balanced and provides everything your body and metabolism needs," he added.

The fuck?

I'm not as offended.

This is the classic "person who hasn't been to China" but is exposed to western biased MSM projection of China before finally going to China and seeing for themselves.

Which is why I feel that a lot of redditors assinine comments about all matters China can be resolved by a simple "have you been to China?"

Chinese people are oppressed and hate the government? Duuuude, have you been to China?
Chinese cities are dirty, backwards and lack modern modcons? Duuuuude, have you been to China?
There is nothing to do in China? Duuude ...

Rather than be offended, I feel that China, as a whole, people and country, really need to bite our tongues and instead go on a charm offensive and invite more of these "first timers" to China. Then leave it to them to reconcile the lies their MSM has been telling them and what they can see with their own eyes.

I've done that with even my business contacts from Europe/US and the most memorable one was 10 years ago, a British C-suite guy who believed fleet street that India was poised to ovetake China. After the trip, he was like "How the f**k is India supposed to overtake this?"

You can't convince everyone but do consider that every one that you do change the mindset of, is one more person out there challenging the nonsense that western MSM is pushing out about China.


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Anyone of Asian descent and appearance in the US who isn’t arming up and getting conceal carry permits and investing decent money and time in firearms and training is being foolish.

Anyone of Asian descent and appearance in the US who hasn’t got their head on a swivel keeping close attention to their surroundings while out in public, especially at night, is begging to be the next victim.

If you are not ready, willing and able to spot danger, draw and mag dump on any scumbag who wants to do you harm, you best be actively looking to leave the US ASAP. Even if you are, you should still be looking to leave.

Anyone of Asian descent and appearance who isn’t actively looking to leave the US is in denial and playing with fire at this point.
If it were me I would introduce legislation allowing Asians and only Asians to openly carry firearms in public, but it's not going to happen.

My heart hurts.


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@Overseaschinese bro you should try and visit us here cause it's more fun in the Philippine.

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Malaysia Truly Asia campaign
I will visit Balawan, that is the place where my family were refugees.