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They gave President Trump a chance.

It did not work out the way they expected.

It was infuriating, yet kind of funny.

When President Trump part 2 comes along, it will be very interesting.

@horse Bro I can see it now, Trump will do a Nixon and blame Brandon for the economic problem he created, that is a definition of a TRUE American exceptionalism...lol


Registered Member
not exactly accurate article. US is spending money in Greece due to unreliability of Turkey. if they leaving Cyprus. why she they think they will invest in Greece which part of EU sanction since 2014.

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Replying to the ambassador’s comments that Cyprus is driving Russian companies away, Georgiades pointed out that Cyprus is not forcing anyone to leave the country: “We only follow international standards and obligations deriving from our decision to be an EU country,” he stressed.


Registered Member
A few months back, I predicted that China will become the new model of Socialism. No longer "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", but simply Socialism.

Today, we are seeing leftists starting to rally to China. I think within the year, we are going to see countries starting to rally behind China.
@solarz Sir I can hear it now , it's becoming popular the Chinese version of Internationale. Lets sing together!

The Internationale​

Arise ye workers from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
And at last ends the age of cant.
Away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise
We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

No more deluded by reaction
On tyrants only we’ll make war
The soldiers too will take strike action
They’ll break ranks and fight no more
And if those cannibals keep trying
To sacrifice us to their pride
They soon shall hear the bullets flying
We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.

No saviour from on high delivers
No faith have we in prince or peer
Our own right hand the chains must shiver
Chains of hatred, greed and fear
E’er the thieves will out with their booty
And give to all a happier lot.
Each at the forge must do their duty
And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.


Senior Member
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Okay guys and gals, and all comrades, since there was some talk about President Trump, this old article must be read. If we have not read it before.

The CCP probably knew a lot about President Trump, and he had his own Chinese dealings and connections.

Trump was always combative. Yet, sometimes he still wants to make a deal.

Where President Trump erred in his dealings with China when he was president, was he probably overestimated American strength, and he did not know too much about all the details of Chinese abilities and capabilities.

Trump in this article, was no different than Trump as president.

Donald Trump Soured on a Deal, and Hong Kong Partners Became Litigants​

May 30, 2016

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What a bloody ingrate; Trump's behaviour is what you'd expect of the quintessential anglo elite who learns nothing and lacks humility. Given such behaviour, i can readily believe anglo elites ordering their japanese vassals to let covid rip otherwise it would make the United States look bad.


Registered Member
What a bloody ingrate; Trump's behaviour is what you'd expect of the quintessential anglo elite who learns nothing and lacks humility. Given such behaviour, i can readily believe anglo elites ordering their japanese vassals to let covid rip otherwise it would make the United States look bad.
@hashtagpls welcome back bro, long time no post, glad you're back and a happy belated Chinese new Year!


Registered Member
View attachment 82516

What friends does Aus have in Asia willing to go against both China and Russia? South east asia wants to stay out of it. South Korea is borderline maybe. Does India want to jeopardize their relations with Russia? Probably only leaves Japan as sole country.
It's actually worse, SEA countries don't like the AUKUS thing or the SSN deal at all, Australia's relation with them has materially decreased because of it. ASEAN are implementating RCEP and as a block are already the biggest trade partner with China and ahead of EU, they are quite firmly against getting involved.


Registered Member
What a bloody ingrate; Trump's behaviour is what you'd expect of the quintessential anglo elite who learns nothing and lacks humility. Given such behaviour, i can readily believe anglo elites ordering their japanese vassals to let covid rip otherwise it would make the United States look bad.

LOL! Damn straight!

Well, you know ... it is a new era, but I still remember some old time real commie stuff from the Chinese.

Just saying it to you, and not really anyone else, to avoid banishment.

This is what I remember reading some high level Chinese general say, about you know who ...

"The Russians are liars and cheats. And the Americans are bastards, but they are honest bastards."

That was the old days.

Today, well, who is President Trump?!

If President Trumps wins the election, then it should be business as usual. Will he target ethnic Chinese in America?

That should be a definite no. The Chinese saved his ass, now this is how he repays Chinese people by putting them in camps?

At this point, the American public and establishment would realized they elected a combination psychopath and sociopath as their leader, and time for some sort of accident.

Knowing Trump, if Republicans whip up the anti-China hysteria, he could play into it, or play against it. People like Little Marco and Lying Ted, they are still his political enemies.

This can go in any direction, but internment camps? No.



Registered Member
@horse Bro I can see it now, Trump will do a Nixon and blame Brandon for the economic problem he created, that is a definition of a TRUE American exceptionalism...lol

President Trump travelled to Hong Kong to save himself, before he was president.

If there is no realistic play, there is no realistic play.

Blaming Brandon can work.

Positioning himself to be dictator-lite should work too. America is ready for someone like that.



It looks really bad now.

Chinese imports are at record levels.

But the Chinese are buying less than what they did before from America.

Ergo, American goods are being replaced by exports from other countries or within China itself.

Can this trend reverse itself?

It is going to be tough, to impossible.


well, USA banning more and more of products to China, so what china could do ?, make it herself or buy from somewhere else, thats very simple answer