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Ngl, the only time I was really worried was the TPP thing. That was a proper strategy by the US.

Fortunately, Comrade Bernie Sanders and Comrade Trump worked hard to turn the American public against it and eventually killing it.

After that happened, it was all ok, even with trade war
Not really. Almost everyone in the US was against the TPP since it would basically kill the remnants of American manufacturing. Plus, while it may hurt China to a certain degree (since China had a predominantly export-oriented economy), it would have hurt America even more since no nation in the TPP was and are able to match up to China's manufacturing might. In short, America would lose their cheap products supply had they signed it; such an outcome would worsen the inflation, thereby making the US the ultimate loser.


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How did someone like Liang Liang get accepted by DPP anyway?
see this pretty amazing summary of his life. He himself has said the video is very accurate.

I find him fascinating as I couldn't gauge what color he really is. But so far what I see is that on the issue of China vs the world, he is on China's side, but when it comes to Taiwan vs Mainland, he is squarely on Taiwan's side. To me this is the Goldilocks position all Taiwanese people should take. It gives them the maximum flexibility and control given the cards they are dealt with. But you all know how Taiwanese media is these days.