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The two leaders affirmed the importance of U.S. economic leadership in the Indo-Pacific, which President Biden committed to intensify. To that end, Prime Minister Kishida expressed strong support for President Biden’s proposed Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, and pledged to work closely with the United States to build support for the initiative in the region.

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Ah, what a delight. Establishing economic and technological hegemony over the economic futures of billions of people all to be decided in Washington DC. The governments of Asian countries can decide upon the numbers of toilets they build while important matters are handles by our white overlords in Washington DC, Brussels and Geneva. China's economy needs absolutely to double if possible to fight the menace that is the trilateral US-EU-Japan who sugarcoat their goals of hegemony in alle important realms with words of freedom, fair trade and other beautiful words which obscure their obvious real goals.
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Observing war games in Redford, New York on 22 August 1939. Britain declared war on Germany days later on the 3rd of September.

L-R: Col. Takatoshi Nakamura of Imperial Japan, Brig. Gen. Walter C. Short of the USA, Gen. Friedrich von Boetticher of Nazi Germany. Two years after the Nanjing Massacre.

Observing war games in Redford, New York (1939-08-22).jpg
The irony, General Short in this photo was the man in charge of the Pearl Harbor defense on 07 December 1941. This exercise was done while he was in command of the 1st Infantry Division out of Brooklyn, NY.

Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Josef Stalin (Yalta conference, 1945).png

A well-known saying: “If you're not at the table, you're on the menu.”

Ex-Nazi Scientists and Officers saved by USA.jpg



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The full video 1:48:55

The Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), India is organising a Talk by Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schonbach, Chief of the German Navy on ‘Germany's Indo Pacific Strategy’ On Friday, 21 January 2022

Welcome and Opening Address By Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, DG MP-IDSA


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The entire leaked video is on YouTube. If you listen his comments about China then you can see that Germany is still having a fit for China buying Kuka Robotics and that the chinese company shipped its tech to China and left Germany with nothing.

That action seriously angered Germany
There is a huge sense of supremacy and one sided entitlement. They have a motto and expectation of ''handel durch wandel'' that by trading and engaging with China we would change to their ''superior'' ways and implement their political and economical models wholesale. The civilizing mission and the white man's burden has never really disappeared. It was only rebranded after 1945 and the racial characteristics based upon a long and dynamic history of scientific racism were drastically toned down.
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There is a huge sense of supremacy. They had a motto of 'handel durch wandel' that by trading with China that we would change our ways to their 'superior' ways and implement their political and economical models wholesale. The civilizing mission and the white mans burden has never gone away. It only for rebranded after 1945 and the racial charasterics based upon scientific racisme got toned down.
China dropped this 'civilizing mission' stuff after being humiliated for 100 years, so there's a proven solution to this sort of thing.


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The full video 1:48:55

The Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), India is organising a Talk by Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schonbach, Chief of the German Navy on ‘Germany's Indo Pacific Strategy’ On Friday, 21 January 2022

Welcome and Opening Address By Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, DG MP-IDSA
1:10:00 is the China part.

Always count on Indians to leak private convos due to their incompetence.

Anyway, good material to understand how Germany thinks about China


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1:10:00 is the China part.

Always count on Indians to leak private convos due to their incompetence.

Anyway, good material to understand how Germany thinks about China
No place in Western and Northern Europe is dependable for China. That part of the planet is among the winners of the current global order and they have a massive US influence on them. For example, Denmark is literally spying on its own defense industry for the CIA. Economic realities and the distance of China to them will prevent them from becoming overly hostile (at least not in a way that matters) but they are not dependable in any ways.


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The People’s Republic of China is conceptually engaged in the same exercise by radically expanding its nuclear forces while engaging in unprecedented bellicosity. China is tempting the boundaries of critical mass in its geostrategic intentions, gambits, and forays. In this, China exceeds the threats posed by Russia, Iran, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Vladimir Putin seeks global relevance for Russia, through parlays involving its military strength or through its dictatorial energy policies. Chinese President Xi Jinping, however, seeks global dominance in a world he seeks to control through the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China’s economy eclipses Russia’s, being an order of magnitude larger: China’s gross domestic product (GDP) is second only to America’s.


With callous and unbridled ambition, President Xi seeks to mold the existing world order into a system of global governance controlled by Communist China through its prophesied future supremacy in all forms of international power. China, therefore, represents the greatest threat that America has faced in the modern era, for no other nation that has contested the United States has possessed China’s relative economic power or population.....

The rest of Mike Pompeo's polemic can be read here:
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All these supposedly smart people but somehow they believe that "race is not supposed to matter in the US". If only they had ever bothered to read a history book about America's abuses of people of different race...

This will always be true:
"There's a sucker born every minute"
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This professor has swallowed the American propaganda through and through. He thought that race was never a factor in the US? He probably was just like my mom, a lovely right wing Republican where he assumed he had a common cause with the part and ideology.

But as Jian Zemin said:
