Miscellaneous News


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Another Asian hate victim had recently passed away. Yao Pan Ma, a Chinese immigrant was beaten and stomped when he was collecting cans for scrap money after losing his job during the pandemic. The perpetrator, an African American is facing charges of attempted murder, felony assault, and hate crime. The poor guy's family is going to push for murder charges.

That Black racist deserves heavy jail time. But those white supremacists racists like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Kelly, Alex Jones, Sepentza, and laowhy86 built up this hostile environment. Its their hate speech and fear mongering that encourages these anti-Asian racists monsters around America. If America was just, even the electric chair is not enough justice for these racists.


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South Koreans pop culture is full of white worshipping and elitism. English-speaking Koreans returning from America or Canada are revered. But North Korean defectors, or Chinese Koreans immigrants are looked down upon. In their eyes, ethnic Koreans from NK and China are little more than thugs, criminals, and servants. They can't even treat all ethnic Koreans equally. They don't deserve to rule over greater Korea.
Honestly that kind of thinking happens among Chinese people as well, where migrants from the countryside are looked down upon. People with darker skin tone from South east Asia are looked down upon. Chinese peoples views of North Koreans are full of prejudice.
White worshipping still happening very often in China.

Asian people in general are the most racist.


Registered Member
Honestly that kind of thinking happens among Chinese people as well, where migrants from the countryside are looked down upon. People with darker skin tone from South east Asia are looked down upon. Chinese peoples views of North Koreans are full of prejudice.
White worshipping still happening very often in China.

Asian people in general are the most racist.
I agree that racism and discrimination still exists in China. But the CPC is always attempting to keep them in check. That's why Google, Facebook, etc are banned in mainland China. The most racist and discriminatory parts of China are ironically the places with the freest media: HK and TW.

Compare that with the free world. Where racism is openly promoted by the free media and sometimes even by the government.

Compared to several years back. White-worshipping in China is no longer that popular. But at the same time, the CPC would also not allow White-hating to propagate in China. Racism and discrimination is human nature. China is no exception. But the Chinese govt is working a hell of alot harder at trying to stamp them out than most of the free world.


Senior Member
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Honestly that kind of thinking happens among Chinese people as well, where migrants from the countryside are looked down upon. People with darker skin tone from South east Asia are looked down upon. Chinese peoples views of North Koreans are full of prejudice.
White worshipping still happening very often in China.

Asian people in general are the most racist.
Spotted the white guy. If Asians were "the most racist", then your white ass would get the same treatment Asians receive in your fascist countries - mocking, bamboo ceilings, violent attacks, media dehumanization, etc.

Let's begin with simple things - how many white or Black people have been beaten or killed in hate crimes in Asian countries? Now, let's compare with the number of violent anti-Asian hate crimes in Western countries. Oh, does not look great for you already. If we start remembering history - the enslavement of Black people, genocides of native peoples all over the globe, colonialism, creation of race "science" itself (yes, racism is not "a human trait" like whites love to preach, that would be xenophobia, construct of race was created by white people to seek justification on why they should be on top and it is evident by the fact that the definition of "white race" was continuously bending to include e.g. Italians, Irish etc. later) which gave birth to eugenics & Nazi Germany, etc., then it is going to become even more clear what group of people is the most racist one.


Registered Member
Spotted the white guy. If Asians were "the most racist", then your white ass would get the same treatment Asians receive in your fascist countries - mocking, bamboo ceilings, violent attacks, media dehumanization, etc.

Let's begin with simple things - how many white or Black people have been beaten or killed in hate crimes in Asian countries? Now, let's compare with the number of violent anti-Asian hate crimes in Western countries. Oh, does not look great for you already. If we start remembering history - the enslavement of Black people, genocides of native peoples all over the globe, colonialism, creation of race "science" itself (yes, racism is not "a human trait" like whites love to preach, that would be xenophobia, construct of race was created by white people to seek justification on why they should be on top and it is evident by the fact that the definition of "white race" was continuously bending to include e.g. Italians, Irish etc. later) which gave birth to eugenics & Nazi Germany, etc., then it is going to become even more clear what group of people is the most racist one.
I don't really care about these claims, but could be an interesting analysis to see the number of blacks and non senior position whites in China . And relate the race crimes to the number of them : D


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I agree that racism and discrimination still exists in China. But the CPC is always attempting to keep them in check. That's why Google, Facebook, etc are banned in mainland China. The most racist and discriminatory parts of China are ironically the places with the freest media: HK and TW.

Compare that with the free world. Where racism is openly promoted by the free media and sometimes even by the government.

Compared to several years back. White-worshipping in China is no longer that popular. But at the same time, the CPC would also not allow White-hating to propagate in China. Racism and discrimination is human nature. China is no exception. But the Chinese govt is working a hell of alot harder at trying to stamp them out than most of the free world.
Not only China, racism in every country in the world.

- Why does the racism in China are always exaggerated and are more known, but do not happen the same thing when it relates to a African or South American country?

If Brazil replaces China and becomes a new super power, I am sure 100% will have a white or black guy claiming that "South Americans are the most racist"


There aren't technically sanctions on Afghanistan besides these 10bil locked away in western banks and that is like a friction of Afghanistan's economy. All the countries they trade with they have borders with and don't pay attention to what someone sitting in Washtington has to say example they have expanded trade with Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China.

Including connectivity projects that comes with railway projects which are under way and such as oil pipelines and in fact two of them. Pakistan's geo-economic interest is tied to Afghanistan which has improved Pakistan's export ever since they came to power.

Besides these 10bil are a friction compared to the money they got from other OIC states after coming to power and they are very resilient could even survive if everyone was to cut trade with them just internally all tho that is unlikely to ever occur but this is just an example I am using they are expanding their farms and will become food independent by 2025 just due to their sheer resilience they could become entirely self-independent by 2025.

They have been thru already a major trial in their struggle for the last 20 years and nothing of this is chellenging for them they have developed an incredible resilience and the capability to survive internal if need be.

But they aren't technically under sanctions of sort because they don't have any linkage to western banks or western influenced areas they are off the gride in that matter.

There is litihum trade potential with China which has already began and I thought it was gonna start first in few years but there are chinese workers in Afghanistan already in some mines but they don't accept foreign troops on their soil hence they provide personale guard for the workers and security

Thanks for the info, so you think this whole starvation is a western ploy?


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Taipei just reported an F-16V (Block 20) suddenly disappeared from radar screens on Tuesday (Jan. 11) while it was flying off the west coast of Taiwan.
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Is it possible for China to go quickly and recover the F-16V from the sea?
I would bet that the Chinese aerospace engineers would love to check its internals and compare it to their own designs

Could be useful, you never know if they might find something worth looking in there