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The Russian foreign affairs spokes woman had a very pointed response to SOS Blinken's recent comments about Russia's foray into Kazakhstan. I can only say, Blinken asked for such a response. It's however unfortunate that diplomatic language has turned into trash reality t.v. type of spectacle.

More on Kazakhstan...

“In politics, nothing happens by accident,” former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once remarked on the question of coincidences in political life. “If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

“I find it interesting that the unrest seemed somewhat coordinated across the country occurring during the ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS period [fell on 07 January 2022] and just before the U.S.-Russia security dialogue,” Executive Vice President of Eurasia Group Earl Rasmussen told Sputnik. “Coincidence? One needs to wonder,” he added.

Another oddity worth mentioning is that the U.S. Embassy in Nur-Sultan just happened to issue a ‘demonstration alert’ for several Kazakh cities on Saturday, December 16, 2021, more than two weeks before the real fireworks began in earnest. Yes, probably just more coincidence theory, but such diplomatic ‘warnings’ have come under criticism before, notably by Moscow; under the pretense of providing travel warnings to U.S. citizens, these social media messages arguably serve to promote anti-government events more than anything.

Meanwhile, any discussion on the possibility of a foreign-hatched Color Revolution would not be complete without mentioning the premier financier, philanthropist and regime-change artist himself, GEORGE SOROS; the SOROS FOUNDATION has a hand so deep in Kazakhstan’s pockets it almost reaches Almaty’s ankles. Perusing the list of activities and institutions by this one foundation (incidentally, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law estimates there are some 38,000 NGOs operating in Kazakhstan, with much of their funding coming from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, and others), leaves one struggling to understand how any country could tolerate this level of influence from a ‘foreign agent,’ who has already been politely shown the door in a number of countries, including Uzbekistan, Belarus and Russia.

The SOROS FOUNDATION, which opened its doors in Kazakhstan back in 1995, has a heavy footprint in all areas of Kazakh life –- from art, to education, to the world of media and politics; all bases are covered. Such a profound influence has not gone unnoticed by political observers.

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I look forward Kazakhstan to take care this mad max sprouting NGOs... should learn from Russia or China... and unless the gov put them in check the country will live in perilous state constantly. I think this crazy situation happened under Nursultan Nazarbayev and his clique!


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$200 million worth of virtue signaling and patting oneself on the back.

This kind of news is so irritating on multiple levels.

1. It is basically selling a Potemkin Village/Fake News, whatever you want to call it. The article itself acknowledges that 200 million isn't going to build a fab, so it is going to the vague notion of "Talent Development".
2. The more vague politicians are, the more room for organized corruption there is. Suddenly this 200 million is going to the university to establish a "Department of Semiconductor Development" which is 1 professor and 20 administrators who happen to be friends and relatives of the party in power.
3. When the money is inevitably frittered away (see Foxconn in Wisconsin), then nobody is really held accountable, but the money is still gone.
watching DPP running Taiwan is just a sad sad story.

KMT is also a sad story. Not accepting one country two systems and fighting for Taiwan's autonomy within the setup is their biggest failure. Now all is left for them is a bunch of confusing and contradictory messaging.

"don't look up" is such a misleading title. It really should be "don't look at yourself"


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Smart Uzbekistan. Learns from the mistakes of Kazakhstan
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Uzbekistan’s government has halted natural gas exports and appears to be quietly ignoring its recent pledge to increase fuel prices at the start of the year.
Lack of gas in Uzbekistan has over several years generated significant public discontent, although those frustrations have never boiled over into street protests.


Registered Member
At best Ai is a spoilt idiot idealist with his head so far up his own arse he has zero idea about how the world works.

The only reason he got the Olympics gig was because he was a spoilt party princeling. And the only reason he has been made popular in the west is because he is a spoilt party princeling willing to talk shit about China to the western msm.

If not for his parents, he would be nothing.

As such, I have zero respects for him or his ‘achievements’ and see him as little more than another useful idiot for the west.

It seems very odd to set the bar so low as traitorous cockroaches or western politicians just in order to make him look better in comparison.
Or he realised the west isn't the utopia he believed it was when he was in China.


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If you think Ai Wei Wei is a model Chinese patriot, then you haven't been following the news. This is back in 2011:

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"If they see nudity as pornography, then China is still in the Qing dynasty," - Ai Wei Wei

What a patriot! o_O
I didn't and don't make umbrella judgment about him (or anyone). I leave that to history. But I do have and share my opinions about specific actions.

also, my write up is really not about what I think of him. But to use what I understand about him to reflect on my own journey.

No one is perfect but I try to understand and learn from everyone's positive (as inspirations) and negative (as lessons).


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What would be the base level of Russian retaliation in this instance? I assume at a minimum, Russia will ban American civilian overflights of its airspace, immediately cease support for ISS and other collaboration in space, immediately cease all titanium exports to the United States, transfer full nuclear technologies to Iran?


Lieutenant General
The problem with US thinking is that the Western world will be more dependent than ever sucking off the American teat. The US doesn't have enough milk to spread around. The US is not as powerful economically around the world than it was after the Cold War ended. US allies are lobbying Saudi Arabia to increase production of oil because the US restricts them from buying oil only from pro-US countries. US allies are more dependent on selling their goods and buying resources to and from the rest of the world more than the US. Something is eventually going to break


Registered Member
What would be the base level of Russian retaliation in this instance? I assume at a minimum, Russia will ban American civilian overflights of its airspace, immediately cease support for ISS and other collaboration in space, immediately cease all titanium exports to the United States, transfer full nuclear technologies to Iran?
Russia could play the gas export card.
If the EU-poors would obey the US on this then I don't see why Russia would keep giving them face.

Also this is another proof why Russia should had accelerated the negotiations for the new pipeline towards China. They kept delaying and the way this is going, China is going to get a heavy discount if Russia is sanctioned to the ground by the West

Another early Christmas gift from the West to China. Exclusive market for China's IC industry and ultra cheap gas supplies from Russia when it gets desperate to get a new revenue stream