View attachment 79876
We have reached Peak Delusion
The fight for democracy is too important to conduct on ideological grounds alone; to win, the U.S. will need an appropriate amount of realpolitik. America can say it cares about democracy — and actually take steps to protect and promote it — but the real focus should be competing with China, with all the compromises that will entail.
See what you're forcing America into doing you China shills!
You know what this is? A good analogy for America's democracy is like the
of the Xia Dynasty. The King of Chu dared to ask for the weight of these cauldrons as a direct challenge to the legitimacy of imperial power. The correct answer to rebuff him given historically was "the cauldrons contained Virtue, they cannot be measured by mortal means".
When people lose faith in the legitimacy of your rule, sooner or later someone will instead answer "about two tons". Once this answer is given the fall of the empire will not by far away, as it's not difficult for ambitious challengers to gather a few dozen tons of copper and forge their own, even bigger cauldrons.
The US is now very near the "two tons" answer for their democracy.