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Big US foreign affairs delegation expected in Taiwan next month​

More than 50 members of U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee likely to take part in trip​

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You Chinese? You said you're from Malaysia. Maybe stand up for yourself in Malaysia and then you'll realize Chinese people don't get picked on.
You Chinese here are even belittling/fighting among yourselves for being Chinese and you don't expect others race not to pick on you?
Others pick on the Chinese for being Chinese. Chinese are different from others (culture,appearance,ideology,work ethic, business acumen, etc. etc. etc.) and are proud of it but they are hated because of that.
China do have guts but have brains that think differently from some of you and you think that a weakness? Why are some of you proposing China to follow the American ways ? Yes, China did have a fair share of spectacular failures but she recovered and live on. Hope all of us will live a few more years (two decades for me) to witness this interesting times. So
cheer up guys.


Lieutenant General
China Will Soon Lead the U.S. in Tech

Beijing pulls ahead in 5G and artificial intelligence, while catching up in semiconductors.

By Graham Allison and Eric Schmidt | WSJ Op-Ed - 07 DEC 2021

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Bill Burns announced in October that the agency is establishing two new major “mission centers,” one focusing on China and the other on frontier technologies. This action reflects his judgment that China is the “most important geopolitical threat we face in the 21st century” and that the “main arena for competition and rivalry” between China and the U.S. will be ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES. The question Americans should be asking is: Could China win the technology race?

A new report on the “Great Technological Rivalry” from Harvard’s Belfer Center answers: YES. The report isn’t alarmist but nonetheless concludes that China has made such extraordinary leaps that it is now a full-spectrum peer competitor. In each of the foundational technologies of the 21st century -- artificial intelligence, semiconductors, 5G wireless, quantum information science, biotechnology and green energy -- China could soon be the global leader. In some areas, it is already No. 1.

Last year China produced 50% of the world’s computers and mobile phones; the U.S. produced only 6%. China produces 70 solar panels for each one produced in the U.S., sells four times the number of electric vehicles, and has nine times as many 5G base stations, with network speeds five times as fast as American equivalents.

In the advanced technology likely to have the greatest effect on economics and security in the coming decade --artificial intelligence -- China is ahead of the U.S. in crucial areas. A spring 2021 report from the National Security Commission on AI warned that China is poised to overtake the U.S. as the global leader in AI by 2030. U.S.-born students are earning roughly as many doctorates each year in AI-related fields as in 1990, while China is on track to graduate twice as many science, technology engineering and mathematics Ph.D.s as the U.S. by 2025. The Harvard report adds that China now clearly tops the U.S. in practical AI applications, including facial recognition, voice recognition and fintech.

The U.S. still has a dominant position in the semiconductor industry, which it has held for almost half a century. But China may soon catch up in two important arenas: semiconductor fabrication and chip design. China’s production of semiconductors has surpassed America’s, with its share of global production rising to 15% from less than 1% in 1990, while the U.S. share has fallen from 37% to 12%.

In 5G, the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board reports that China is on track to replicate the economic and military advantages America gained from being the global leader in 4G. China has installed 950,000 base stations to America’s 100,000. By the end of last year, 150 million Chinese were using 5G mobile phones with average speeds of 300 megabits a second, while only six million Americans had access to 5G with speeds of 60 megabits a second. America’s 5G service providers have put more focus ON ADVERTISING their capabilities than on building infrastructure.

The Chinese Communist Party has made no secret of its ambitions: China intends to become the global leader in the technologies that will shape the decades ahead. The party’s 2013 economic reform plan highlighted technological innovation as the way to avoid the trap of getting stuck as a middle-income country. The celebrated “Made in China 2025” program aims to dominate domestic production of 10 emerging technologies, including 5G, AI and electric vehicles.

China also plans to extend its lead in ROBOTICS to sustain its position as the manufacturing workshop of the world. In May, Xi Jinping clearly stated his judgment that “technological innovation has become the main battleground of the global playing field, and competition for tech dominance will grow unprecedentedly fierce.” It is striking how successful China has been in meeting its ambitious technology targets.

In sum, although the U.S. remains the global leader in many important races, including aeronautics, medicine and nanotechnology, China has emerged as a serious competitor. Fortunately, Americans are beginning to wake up to this reality. In June the Senate passed the Innovation and Competition Act with bipartisan support, authorizing $250 billion of investment in science and technology over the next five years. Unfortunately, that legislation has stalled in the House and faces an uncertain future as part of the annual defense bill.

More recent congressional spending proposals, such as the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the $1.7 trillion social-spending package, have included investments in research and development in areas like green technologies and energy storage. While these investments are greatly needed, it will take more attention and investment in strategic technologies to compete with China. UNLESS the U.S. can organize a national response analogous to the mobilization that created the technologies that won World War II, China could soon dominate the technologies of the future and the opportunities they will create.

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Mr. Allison, a professor of government at Harvard, is author of “Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?” (2017). Mr. Schmidt was CEO of Google, 2001-11 and executive chairman of Google and its successor, Alphabet Inc., 2011-17 and is a co-author of “The Age of AI: And Our Human Future,” (2021).
The US's own racism is a US national security threat. I like telling that to people because it's true and Americans don't want to admit it because they don't want to acknowledge it's a problem that they won't deal with and then the US drags further along. Everything they thought about Chinese capabilities were based on the racism they want to believe to be true but was wrong because they want to believe they were naturally superior. They think white scientists make all the discoveries in science and engineering so it's okay for them to discriminate. You don't think there's a connection why China has caught up so fast. Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley is filled with stories of Chinese who faced the glass ceiling and left for Shenzhen to be successful there. Let's see... not be racist and let Chinese advance the US in technology or be racist and the US falls behind...

The West also believes China needs the West to be rich and successful because Westerners make Chinese rich buying Made in China. Ironic that they don't believe it the other way around. The West wanted to take over the world but the only way you can do that is by making everyone else poor so they would be ripe for take over. Right now the West wants to destroy China's economy in order to stop China's rise. What makes them think China needs them to be rich and successful for the West's own survival but not the other way around? Racism? Because of the West's anti-China policy, it exposes nothing is as natural as Westerners want to believe. The West's problem with China is not because China is going against the "natural" order of things. They have a problem China is not supporting their system that keeps them at the top. They won't say that out loud because then their rouse is exposed. That's not against any law except for racists. Take a look at how far the US has to go to have it's allies around the world to go against China because that how big its tentacles have to reach in order to have the system built in their favor. The US's allies going along and suffering the consequences shows how that system exists and exposes their Ponzi-like dependency not because they believe in what's fair for all as they hide behind.


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The US's own racism is a US national security threat. I like telling that to people because it's true and Americans don't want to admit it because they don't want to acknowledge it's a problem that they won't deal with and then the US drags further along. Everything they thought about Chinese capabilities were based on the racism they want to believe to be true but was wrong because they want to believe they were naturally superior. They think white scientists make all the discoveries in science and engineering so it's okay for them to discriminate. You don't think there's a connection why China has caught up so fast. Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley is filled with stories of Chinese who faced the glass ceiling and left for Shenzhen to be successful there. Let's see... not be racist and let Chinese advance the US in technology or be racist and the US falls behind...

The West also believes China needs the West to be rich and successful because Westerners make Chinese rich buying Made in China. Ironic that they don't believe it the other way around. The West wanted to take over the world but the only way you can do that is by making everyone else poor so they would be ripe for take over. Right now the West wants to destroy China's economy in order to stop China's rise. What makes them think China needs them to be rich and successful for the West's own survival but not the other way around? Racism? Because of the West's anti-China policy, it exposes nothing is as natural as Westerners want to believe. The West's problem with China is not because China is going against the "natural" order of things. They have a problem China is not supporting their system that keeps them at the top. They won't say that out loud because then their rouse is exposed. That's not against any law except for racists. Take a look at how far the US has to go to have it's allies around the world to go against China because that how big its tentacles have to reach in order to have the system built in their favor. The US's allies going along and suffering the consequences shows how that system exists and exposes their Ponzi-like dependency not because they believe in what's fair for all as they hide behind.
You’ll notice as well that this belief and racist system is also supported by non whites who have a stake in this system, like compradors who grew rich from pushing opium onto their fellow Chinese along, you’ll see boba Asian Americans aping whites by loudly professing their hatred of china even as their parents are gunned down in the streets.


Junior Member
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The US's own racism is a US national security threat. I like telling that to people because it's true and Americans don't want to admit it because they don't want to acknowledge it's a problem that they won't deal with and then the US drags further along. Everything they thought about Chinese capabilities were based on the racism they want to believe to be true but was wrong because they want to believe they were naturally superior. They think white scientists make all the discoveries in science and engineering so it's okay for them to discriminate. You don't think there's a connection why China has caught up so fast. Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley is filled with stories of Chinese who faced the glass ceiling and left for Shenzhen to be successful there. Let's see... not be racist and let Chinese advance the US in technology or be racist and the US falls behind...

The West also believes China needs the West to be rich and successful because Westerners make Chinese rich buying Made in China. Ironic that they don't believe it the other way around. The West wanted to take over the world but the only way you can do that is by making everyone else poor so they would be ripe for take over. Right now the West wants to destroy China's economy in order to stop China's rise. What makes them think China needs them to be rich and successful for the West's own survival but not the other way around? Racism? Because of the West's anti-China policy, it exposes nothing is as natural as Westerners want to believe. The West's problem with China is not because China is going against the "natural" order of things. They have a problem China is not supporting their system that keeps them at the top. They won't say that out loud because then their rouse is exposed. That's not against any law except for racists. Take a look at how far the US has to go to have it's allies around the world to go against China because that how big its tentacles have to reach in order to have the system built in their favor. The US's allies going along and suffering the consequences shows how that system exists and exposes their Ponzi-like dependency not because they believe in what's fair for all as they hide behind.
LOls talking about racism I have a chinese GF who's aunt is married to a white person and he hates me. wants his niece to go to USA and marry a white person. He has ramped up his racism against me since 2019.