If Turkey is so much better than Russia, why did it completely fail in Syria?
This is trolling and revision history where has Turkey failed in Syria? don't start to distort ground realities..
It has conducted 4 successful ground incursions..
If Turkey is so much better than Russia, why did it completely fail in Syria?
We all know Turkey beats up on poor countries in the middle of civil wars to try to advertise their weapons for sale. We also know their weapon systems have a huge chunk of NATO technology in them that they lie is domestic.Don't embarras yourself here and talk about things you know little about.. The first time in the world history that a laser weapon was used in combat it was done by Turkey in Libya in 2020 that is history..
The first time also AI has been used in conflict it was done by Turkey again in 2020 in Libya..
Don't talk about things you know little about...
I even doubt you know about weapons in general or follow closely the weapon industry
find me a single non-Turkish source that states Turkey used AI in the Libya conflict in 2020.
Hemay be right. I'm sure some soldier used a laser pointer on the end of his rifle to dazzle enemy carrier pigeons. The angle and trajectory of the laser was calculated using AI. A world first! Definitely better than the country which had the largest military industry in the world.prove it.
find me a single non-Turkish source that states Turkey successfully deployed a laser weapon in 2020.
find me a single non-Turkish source that states Turkey used AI in the Libya conflict in 2020.
prove it.
find me a single non-Turkish source that states Turkey successfully deployed a laser weapon in 2020.
find me a single non-Turkish source that states Turkey used AI in the Libya conflict in 2020.
if AI is software, how can you have leading AI but shit software companies?as long as it has if and else it's an AI bro!! What is AI but a million of if and else?
1 | (CHN) | 92 | 27 | 12 | 131 |
2 | (RUS) | 68 | 40 | 12 | 120 |
3 | (USA) | 58 | 37 | 16 | 111 |
4 | (KOR) | 44 | 43 | 28 | 115 |
5 | (POL) | 41 | 46 | 32 | 119 |
6 | (ROM) | 32 | 53 | 34 | 119 |
7 | (IRN) | 28 | 61 | 23 | 112 |
8 | (BUL) | 27 | 49 | 39 | 115 |
9 | (JPN) | 27 | 28 | 10 | 65 |
10 | (SVK) | 25 | 43 | 34 | 102 |
You seriously want this answered?This is trolling and revision history where has Turkey failed in Syria? don't start to distort ground realities..
It has conducted 4 successful ground incursions..
You seriously want this answered?
This is a UN report.. clearly says first time used AI
Hmm, sounds to me like the P-700 missile is capable of actually strategizing, and isn't just a targetting algorithm.The missile, when fired in a swarm (group of 4–8) has a unique guidance mode. One of the weapons climbs to a higher altitude and designates targets while the others attack. The missile responsible for target designation climbs in short pop-ups, so as to be harder to intercept. The missiles are linked by data connections, forming a network. If the designating missile is destroyed the next missile will rise to assume its purpose. Missiles are able to differentiate targets, detect groups and prioritize targets automatically using information gathered during flight and types of ships and battle formations pre-programmed in an onboard computer. They will attack targets in order of priority, highest to lowest: after destroying the first target, any remaining missiles will attack the next prioritized target.
lmao some clickbait Youtube video with no original footage. If it was such a big deal how come it's not on any reputable media?