Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian foreign minister, denounced the “unannounced sanctions” on Friday and said Lithuania would ask the European Commission for help. It was “unprecedented when one EU member state is being partially sanctioned”, he said.
Lol Lithuanian FM is asking EU to step in and enact receptive action on China for removing Lithuania from custom register.他表示,立陶宛没有能力单独对中国实施制裁,“这是一个欧盟成员国受到部分制裁的史无前例的案例。我们无法实施报复性制裁,因为我们没有办法把中国的这家或那家企业从海关系统中删除。海关系统由欧盟管理,因此我认为相关机构应该代表立陶宛介入此事。”
I think hell yeah, don't back down EU, remove China from the entire EU's custom register. Free people of Europa will never bow down to tyranny!