Some people rather burn to death in a wildfire, or drown in a flood than leave their home. Just because their life is in danger, they can perceive the other outcome as worse.
But that's besides the point
You don't even see the most obvious point, the government is not sponsoring this violence.
In Indo, Suharto was encouraging the violence to retain power. His time was up and he knew it.
Plus, some of the Beta-Israel regret going to Israel now. They experience the worst racism, being called "fake Jews" or worse. The discrimination means many of them are poor and unable to create the better life that they wanted.
You are beyond logic ever read psychology preservation of life is the first instinct of human nature. It does not matter whether the government sponsor it or not the end result is still the same. property was burned and life is endangered. It is the only decent thing for China to over sanctuary since we are all descendant from the dragon . China keep boasting thousand year of civilization and the greatness of Han culture But look to the other side when their children is endanger
Well the ethiopian jew does not resemble or retain jew culture at all and at different social and economic level than the rest of jewish population I have no problem with the israeli consider them parasite. But for the government position you are jew even if you have 1/1000 jewish DNA
So based on that, even more argument to provide sanctuary to Solomon Chinese since most of them are FIRST GENERATION CHINESE.
I think you are very ignorant of this part of history China did send ship and repatriate 200000 Overseas Chines from Indonesia and Malaysia including some of my relative. And they were resettled to their ancestral province mostly fujian and hainan . The younger generation were offered job and language training and posted in big major cities I met some of them in Beijing. They become professor at the university. But most of them were maltreated during the cultural revolution and accused as capitalist roader and many immigrate to Hongkong Right now there are half million of this Hoachiauw in Hongkong.
I don't know where you come But for most southern Chinese blood is thicker than water. You will always be chinese no matter how long ago you were away from your village. I know of a prominent peranakan who never set foot on his village for 150 years. Yet when he trace his origin all he has to do is go that village with the help of overseas office agent who were posted in major hotel, With their help he found his ancestral village and He met this lady on field and tell her the purpose of his visit. She didn't hesitate and tell him come with me I show you the people who can trace your ancestry. You see all the villager in southern China have the same surname and they are all relative!
he was warmly receive by the villager table and chair were set and tea and fruits were offered a They found his ancestor and updated the Jiapu as well he contribute money for the upkeep of ancestral hall. and make copy of the Jiapu