There are many thing China could do short of invasion I mention it just to vent out my frustration. China can raise a hell in UN and ask for humanitarian mandate for humanitarian rescue by sending shinny Y 20 accompanied by special forces to promptly evacuate those hapless Chinese . Heck the israeli didn't even bother to ask for permission when they perfectly execute "operation Solomon". China can issue Chinese ethic ID specially for Chinese who live in hostile country to Chinese There are many thing China can do but as usual nothing. When China in despair of help who come first to offer help You guess right overseas Chinese as I documented in the economic thread. But just like we say in SEA China is ingrate and Talk only but no action. Ye they give residency permit and good low to low life white. Chinese mainlander suffer from severe inferiority complexHey bud, is it annoying to some degree yes, but let's be rationale about this whole situation and not react and make some wild statement based on our emotional needs. I get where you're coming from but China's lack of intervention is a damn good thing for the world and region. The fact that's it's living to it's commitment of not copying the American way of running things or being a world police, brutality style by intervening and invading X,Y,Z countries just because it can.
Restraint isn't a sign of weakness, patience and respect for other countries sovereignty isn't deleterious to China's strength of military prestige nor it's inaction must be interpreted in anyway as cowardice.
What would happen if Australian troops don't leave as requested by the government of Solomon Islands, and why is Australian troops even in that country? What's their legal grounds for being there in the first place? Most interestingly, what would happen if the PM publicly asks or seeks out China's assistance in the form of Military, then what would be the decision and or actions by China and Australia?
There are many thing China could do short of invasion I mention it just to vent out my frustration. China can raise a hell in UN and ask for humanitarian mandate for humanitarian rescue by sending shinny Y 20 accompanied by special forces to promptly evacuate those hapless Chinese . Heck the israeli didn't even bother to ask for permission when they perfectly execute "operation Solomon". China can issue Chinese ethic ID specially for Chinese who live in hostile country to Chinese There are many thing China can do but as usual nothing. When China in despair of help who come first to offer help You guess right overseas Chinese as I documented in the economic thread. But just like we say in SEA China is ingrate and Talk only but no action. Until these days Israeli still support Ethiopian jew even though they go back thousand years
This is what a great nation do All hat to the plucky little Israel
Operation Solomon
The largest humanitarian airlift in world history, Operation Sol
With the operation planned in secret, a unique “silent call system” was mobilized to gather Ethiopia’s Jews. In cooperation with the Israeli embassy, JDC provided food and fuel, coordinated transportation to the planes, and more. That weekend, 34 Israeli planes made 40 continuous flights, and just over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews were brought to safety in Israel — the largest humanitarian airlift to ever have taken place.
In the end, what was designed to take 48 hours was completed in just 36 — making Operation Solomon a modern miracle.
And we don’t stop there. We’ve stayed committed to the thousands we rescued before, during, and since the 1991 airlift, launching and refining innovative, impactful programs to help support Ethiopian-Israelis in their new lives. These efforts to help new immigrants to Israel are part of our historic work, in partnership with the government, to develop solutions to the country’s most complex social challenges so all of its citizens have the opportunity to thrive.
Since 1914, working with our partners, JDC has rescued over 1 million Jews in danger — in places like Georgia, Ukraine, and Sarajevo.
Even Today Israel still support Ethiopian jew with various measure
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's government on Sunday approved the immigration of several thousand Jews from war-torn Ethiopia, some of whom have waited for decades to join their relatives in Israel.
The decision took a step toward resolving an issue that has long complicated the government's relations with the country's Ethiopian community.
Some 140,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel. Community leaders estimate that roughly 6,000 others remain behind in Ethiopia.
China's history and long-term goals are not at all the same with Israel which goes to show how each country responds to this type of situation. And am sure you're more than aware that Israel is partnered with the U.S. at the hip come what may which explains why it can get away with flouting international laws and largely get away with it unscathed. Not to mention the collective guilt of the white world with respect to the trauma of WWII. So no, the comparison with Israel to China doesn't apply. Having said that, I agree with your sentiment in spirit and intent but not in reality. China is the coming hegemonic power with it's periphery that's just an inevitable reality and when it arrives the situation we're seeing will not go unnoticed or even unpunished. But since we're in the midst of the great competition, China must act accordingly and not be derailed from any need to react and lash out emotionally lest it veered off it's strategic goals.There are many thing China could do short of invasion I mention it just to vent out my frustration. China can raise a hell in UN and ask for humanitarian mandate for humanitarian rescue by sending shinny Y 20 accompanied by special forces to promptly evacuate those hapless Chinese . Heck the israeli didn't even bother to ask for permission when they perfectly execute "operation Solomon". China can issue Chinese ethic ID specially for Chinese who live in hostile country to Chinese There are many thing China can do but as usual nothing. When China in despair of help who come first to offer help You guess right overseas Chinese as I documented in the economic thread. But just like we say in SEA China is ingrate and Talk only but no action. Until these days Israeli still support Ethiopian jew even though they go back thousand years
As to the Rhodesian and South African white, The Anglo countries did offer them sanctuary and resettle many of them to US, Canada, Australia Take the case of serpent Serpentza he got US permanent residence although he has no special skill other than bad mouthing China
This is what a great nation do All hat to the plucky little Israel
Operation Solomon
The largest humanitarian airlift in world history, Operation Sol
With the operation planned in secret, a unique “silent call system” was mobilized to gather Ethiopia’s Jews. In cooperation with the Israeli embassy, JDC provided food and fuel, coordinated transportation to the planes, and more. That weekend, 34 Israeli planes made 40 continuous flights, and just over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews were brought to safety in Israel — the largest humanitarian airlift to ever have taken place.
In the end, what was designed to take 48 hours was completed in just 36 — making Operation Solomon a modern miracle.
And we don’t stop there. We’ve stayed committed to the thousands we rescued before, during, and since the 1991 airlift, launching and refining innovative, impactful programs to help support Ethiopian-Israelis in their new lives. These efforts to help new immigrants to Israel are part of our historic work, in partnership with the government, to develop solutions to the country’s most complex social challenges so all of its citizens have the opportunity to thrive.
Since 1914, working with our partners, JDC has rescued over 1 million Jews in danger — in places like Georgia, Ukraine, and Sarajevo.
Even Today Israel still support Ethiopian jew with various measure
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's government on Sunday approved the immigration of several thousand Jews from war-torn Ethiopia, some of whom have waited for decades to join their relatives in Israel.
The decision took a step toward resolving an issue that has long complicated the government's relations with the country's Ethiopian community.
Some 140,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel. Community leaders estimate that roughly 6,000 others remain behind in Ethiopia.
There are not that many Solomon Chinese but what the Chinese embassy did NOTHING that show callousness of Chinese regime. Doing nothing will only encourage more aggression We see it China trade China did nothing when the US sanction Huawei Now they keep piling up one sanction after another. The same with Taiwan the west keep testing the limit by pushing socalled "Red line" what china did nothing but open their mouth as usual Coward!There are many obvious traps and pitfalls with western knee-jerk diplomacy that China should never adopt it.
Australian effects only seem swift because they were the chief architects of the crisis to start with, and this was all part of their plan that they have used many times already.
China kicking up a fuss at the UN would achieve precisely nothing except further inflame anti-Chinese sentiment in the Solomon’s.
China doing rescue missions would similarly likely to inflame tensions and put overseas Chinese who do not wish to leave to greater risk.
Even leaving aside the whole Chinese national Vs Chinese descent argument, and assume China can airlift all people of Chinese ancestry out. All you have achieved is ethnically cleansed the Solomon’s of all Chinese people, which would be beyond the wildest dreams of the Anglo masterminds of the riots. And tomorrow you will find such riots all over the world.
Also, Israel is just about the last country you can pick as a role model for being a reasonable and respected international citizen country. They are feared but seldom loved and that’s not a great way to for a superpower to behave.
It has nothing to do with cowardice dude and you know this. What sort of response did you expect or want for Chinese embassy to do? Be sober with your response and quit acting like a heart broken rejected teeny bopper it's unbecoming of your stature and reputation on this forum.There are not that many Solomon Chinese but what the Chinese embassy did NOTHING that show callousness of Chinese regime. Doing nothing will only encourage more aggression We see it China trade China did nothing when the US sanction Huawei Now they keep piling up one sanction after another. The same with Taiwan the west keep testing the limit by pushing socalled "Red line" what china did nothing but open their mouth as usual Coward!
Not even that but the US has already pre programmed everybody in the region about so called "Chinese aggression".It has nothing to do with cowardice dude and you know this. What sort of response did you expect or want for Chinese embassy to do? Be sober with your response and quit acting like a heart broken rejected teeny bopper it's unbecoming of your stature and reputation on this forum.