@taxiya bro in summation China is the first global village with amalgamation of different ethnicity? With 5,000 years of history with invaders and traders being sinicized? As Han identity is mostly about culture not race, my thesis as China had become richer and powerful even those mixed races will identify themselves as Han Chinese, I had seen it here, as Taipans had been admired for being a good in business many mixed race Filipino even a tiny percentage or none are proud to have Chinese blood in them.Except Abe who is well-known being Japanese, I can easily find Han Chinese who look same as all the rest, such as the 3rd photo look like Chinese badminton star Lin Dan (林丹) from Fujian. But I will save the thread from dragging on, you can find the photo of Lin Dan and check yourself.
So here is my last attempt on this topic after seeing all your examples which BTW are not uncommon in China.
Let me put this way. Let's say there are figuratively a few types of Han Chinese. Some northern types looks Mongol, some looks Korean. Some western types look a bit central Asian. Some looks southeast Asian. Some looks nothing similar to anybody else. You treat all types that look "foreign" as not Han and only keep the "nothing similar" one as Han Chinese. Essentially you are excluding me, phead, south east Asian Chinese and many others as being Han Chinese just because we look different from your perception.
To be honest, I am not offended by this perception, but I think you are pretty narrow-minded and lack experience. Therefor I am now certain that you are 1. Not Chinese. 2. A Chinese who grow up in an isolated region of China before moving abroad in young age. or 3. you was born and raised in a Chinese community abroad surrounded by people from a very similar regional background. So your idea of what a Han Chinese may look like is very limited. Essentially you are saying that Han Chinese is yourself + your community and all other Han Chinese are not.
P.S. a few short time trips (that you mentioned earlier) in China does not give you the chance to know China any better than other westerners.
Disagree. I'm not sure where you missed out my saying I've lived in China and Korea before. I've seen the phenotypes. Have you lived in Korea or Japan before??Except Abe who is well-known being Japanese, I can easily find Han Chinese who look same as all the rest, such as the 3rd photo look like Chinese badminton star Lin Dan (林丹) from Fujian. But I will save the thread from dragging on, you can find the photo of Lin Dan and check yourself.
So here is my last attempt on this topic after seeing all your examples which BTW are not uncommon in China.
Let me put this way. Let's say there are figuratively a few types of Han Chinese. Some northern types looks Mongol, some looks Korean. Some western types look a bit central Asian. Some looks southeast Asian. Some looks nothing similar to anybody else. You treat all types that look "foreign" as not Han and only keep the "nothing similar" one as Han Chinese. Essentially you are excluding me, phead, south east Asian Chinese and many others as being Han Chinese just because we look different from your perception.
To be honest, I am not offended by this perception, but I think you are pretty narrow-minded and lack experience. Therefor I am now certain that you are 1. Not Chinese. 2. A Chinese who grow up in an isolated region of China before moving abroad in young age. or 3. you was born and raised in a Chinese community abroad surrounded by people from a very similar regional background. So your idea of what a Han Chinese may look like is very limited. Essentially you are saying that Han Chinese is yourself + your community and all other Han Chinese are not.
P.S. a few short time trips (that you mentioned earlier) in China does not give you the chance to know China any better than other westerners.
Lmao the Chinatown in Solomon Islands gets torched and it's China who started it?
Some high brained logic there. Sorry I mean small brained.
Who wouldn't Chinese in SEA are richer, prettier, fashionable, Have a unique culture and custom In short they are looked up to I never heard anybody in SEA look up to Japanese or Korean. Yes they like anime and Korean drama But Chinese influence is so pervasive in food, language, custom etc See this Chinese engagement ceremony called Sangjit is now the rage in Indo even non Chinese follow this custom. When the bride groom send gift to signify his responsible for taking care of the wife assuring there will be plenty of food ,cloth, jewelry and may their life be sweet(kue lapis), tight(huat kue) and plenty(baozi). It also signify that from now one both family is oneDisagree. I'm not sure where you missed out my saying I've lived in China and Korea before. I've seen the phenotypes. Have you lived in Korea or Japan before??
타씨야씨 한국이나일본에 살았합니까?
There's nothing embarrassing about China not encompassing the full breadth of Japanese and Korean genes.
In fact it sounds Han Chauvinistic of you to suggest otherwise.
I mean, there's no need for us to be chauvinistic here. We should respect that Japanese and Korean genes are somewhat independent of Chinese ones
@Hendrik_2000 bro, I'm not a jingoistic type of person BUT since you were born in the region after the Caucasian we the Hua Qiao are the most preferred by local women.Who wouldn't Chinese in SEA are richer, prettier, fashionable, Have a unique culture and custom In short they are looked up to I never heard anybody in SEA look up to Japanese or Korean. Yes they like anime and Korean drama But Chinese influence is so pervasive in food, language, custom etc See this Chinese engagement ceremony called Sangjit is now the rage in Indo even non Chinese follow this custom. When the bride groom send gift to signify his responsible for taking care of the wife assuring there will be plenty of food ,cloth, jewelry and may their life be sweet(kue lapis), tight(huat kue) and plenty(baozi). It also signify that from now one both family is one
Remember their great grandparent are poor, illiterates, landless peasant and within couple generation so much opulent
IN Thailand there were saying that if you married Chinese you will eat pork the rest of your life. Most Chinese men are good provider even the Japanese know that I was reading the comment on Chinese Japanese couple@Hendrik_2000 bro, I'm not a jingoistic type of person BUT since you were born in the region after the Caucasian we the Hua Qiao are the most preferred by local women.Like you said we have that positive character aspect that distinguish us from our East Asian neighbors, better than the Koreans, Japanese and of course way way better than the Indians. One of those positive aspect is we can adopt quickly, conform with local custom and we had that goldilocks look not to white not to brown. SK and Japanese when they walk in the street people identify them as Chinese, they can't escape and change it cause the foundation of their culture is Chinese.