Come on Phead and taxiya, that's a logical fallacy.Takeshi Kaneshiro's mother is Han Chinese from Taiwan. Father from Liuqiu (Ryukyu). Ryukyu population has more than 1/3 Han Chinese ancestry from Fujian China. The other 2/3 are local Ryukyuan ancestry not Japanese. That makes Takeshi a genetically Han Chinese rather than Yamato Japanese (the mainland Japanese you are referring to).
I was twice mistaken by Japanese people as Japanese in Europe. They approached me by speaking Japanese without hesitation, that is they did not bother to ask if I speak Japanese. That is how confident they are by my look. I think native Japanese's instinct is more "accurate" than foreigners acquired observation, and yet they still made mistakes. BTW, my ancestry is from north west China for centuries, many thousands kilometers away from any possible connection to Japan.
Also, comment on this person?
View attachment 79470
Some people will look ambiguous.
Just an example. Some Frenchmen look Southern and Northern at the same time.
That doesn't mean there's no difference between Southern and Northern Europeans.
You know, a Venn diagram.

A lot of people will fall in the center. But some with distinct features will belong to the left and right.
Even if a lot of people fall in the circle, if there's a statistically significant portion on the left and right, then you have a difference.
I don't believe in just eyeball test.

East Asian but clearly Japanese or Korean or Ryukyuan or Ainu face
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