Miscellaneous News


Except if Canada persuaded the US to come up with a plea deal knowing that Meng’s extradition will ultimately fail in court…and assuming Meng’s lawyers know that is what’s going to happen, then why would Meng agree to this plea deal.

It would be in her interest to let it just play out in court, embarrass the US. And be home free and clear.

A deal must have been made between the US, Canada, and China. Everybody gets to go home including the two Michales.

China and Canada relationship can finally move on from this.

Agree and it is a big lesson for Canada to not mess around with China ... I think the trade between China and Canada will be slowly getting normal .. and now China can concentrate to Australia .... Canada will be happily to substitute anything that Australia export to China ;)


Honestly, I would have executed the two Michaels and put their heads up on a pike to warn anyone who dares fuck with China.

But whatever. Also, FUCK this princess, I hope China didn't expend any political capital or sacrifice any national interest in securing her release... the good of the motherland and 1.4B patriots should never depend on a single person, no matter whose fucking daughter, even Xi Jinping's daughter or Mao's son.

Including your daughter or son as well ? :rolleyes:


Registered Member
1. Meng was released on American terms. The acting U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution."
They can now further build the case against Huawei & legally target them not only in US but also in Europe on basis of her statement.

Those statements were coerced out of an innocent woman under duress, who has a heart condition.

Furthermore, those statements pertain to Iran, of which US policy towards that country has flip-flopped more often than anyone can remember.

This was always a witch-hunt against Huawei, which extended to Meng Wanzhou. Why was she targeted, no one knows.

The US government was going to beat extract a statement out of her and call it a victory.




Senior Member
Registered Member
The beauty of this arrangement is that white anglos get to believe what they want re Meng and Huawei and that Ren ZhengFei gets his daughter back.
However, nothing changes in the Anglo determination to destroy Chinese tech independence and Chinese tech companies and now that Meng is secured, Ren can focus all of his attentions and energies into crucifying anglo tech by depriving the anglos and their vassals of the vital Chinese market, once Chinese full stack tech self sufficiency is achieved.


Registered Member
The beauty of this arrangement is that white anglos get to believe what they want re Meng and Huawei and that Ren ZhengFei gets his daughter back.
However, nothing changes in the Anglo determination to destroy Chinese tech independence and Chinese tech companies and now that Meng is secured, Ren can focus all of his attentions and energies into crucifying anglo tech by depriving the anglos and their vassals of the vital Chinese market, once Chinese full stack tech self sufficiency is achieved.

Yeah, I like what you are saying, the toned down version is better.

Just like Chairman Mao said, "The Americans are unreasonable, give them no choice then they are reasonable."

I don't think Chairman Mao ever got angry. He got even.



Junior Member
Registered Member
The beauty of this arrangement is that white anglos get to believe what they want re Meng and Huawei and that Ren ZhengFei gets his daughter back.
However, nothing changes in the Anglo determination to destroy Chinese tech independence and Chinese tech companies and now that Meng is secured, Ren can focus all of his attentions and energies into crucifying anglo tech by depriving the anglos and their vassals of the vital Chinese market, once Chinese full stack tech self sufficiency is achieved.
China just a generation or two behind and 5 times cheaper in most of these cutting edge technologies will have the western firms crying for protection from their government.
Flood the world with cheap tech and destroy the western monopolies