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"Maybe Canada should grow some balls and have an independent foreign policy"

Impossible to ever happen. Just asked Defeinbaker and his successors. The sole exception would be Justin Trudeau's legendary Father, P.M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau. That dude has balls of steel.
Sadly his seed was proven weak.

The Anglos will go after Huawei regardless of what Meng said, signed or admitted; this is about tech dominance, the lynchpin of anglospheric hegemony; snowden proved that anglo tech firms rely on industrial espionage which Huawei's tech and connectivity will prevent and given that american hackers are inferior (proven by how the USG forces tech companies to install backdoors) that era of Anglo tech dominance is coming to an end.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Not a fan of how the Michaels were instantly released.

1. Meng was released on American terms. The acting U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution."
They can now further build the case against Huawei & legally target them not only in US but also in Europe on basis of her statement.

2. China always officially maintained that the 2 Michaels weren't in anyway linked with the Meng case. But them getting instantly released shows that this wasn't the truth and that there was no due process in their arrest or release and they were simply victims of hostage diplomacy.

Remember, Meng was never convicted but the Michales were and infact sentenced too. Both were not on the same pedestal. Espionage is a much much serious charge than what Meng was in for.

Also watch when the Michales land in Canada how they'll cry & claim they were tortured by Chinese authorities and fabricate all type of lies just to make them look like victims. At the end of the day thanks to American PR, Meng will be seen as a white collar fraud and the Michaels as victims.
Nah, Biden clearly wants to improve relations with China, so there are limits to how far he is willing to go against Huawei. It was through presidential executive actions that hurt Huawei and I don't predict Biden will follow through like Trump to kill Huawei with same zeal. Maybe some token symbolism action but Huawei will emerge fine.

I agree about the sentencing vs. charges piece , they are not the same level and quite frankly shocked at how fast two Michaels were released. Basically, it's 100% political at this point. Both sides revealed it's political, but in typical democracy fashion, the US has to finesse some BS legal twist to save-face.

I agree about the two Michaels as propaganda tools, but China can use Meng as propaganda as well. Canadians know not the fuck with China anymore though.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Not a fan of how the Michaels were instantly released.

1. Meng was released on American terms. The acting U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution."
They can now further build the case against Huawei & legally target them not only in US but also in Europe on basis of her statement.

2. China always officially maintained that the 2 Michaels weren't in anyway linked with the Meng case. But them getting instantly released shows that this wasn't the truth and that there was no due process in their arrest or release and they were simply victims of hostage diplomacy.

Remember, Meng was never convicted but the Michales were and infact sentenced too. Both were not on the same pedestal. Espionage is a much much serious charge than what Meng was in for.

Also watch when the Michales land in Canada how they'll cry & claim they were tortured by Chinese authorities and fabricate all type of lies just to make them look like victims. At the end of the day thanks to American PR, Meng will be seen as a white collar fraud and the Michaels as victims
Let’s be honest it was hostage diplomacy for both Meng and the Michales from the very beginning.


Nah, Biden clearly wants to improve relations with China, so there are limits to how far he is willing to go against Huawei.

I agree about the sentencing vs. charges piece , they are not the same level and quite frankly shocked at how fast two Michaels were released. Basically, it's 100% political at this point. Both sides revealed it's political, but in typical democracy fashion, the US has to finesse some BS legal twist to save-face.

The timing of the flights seems to indicate a hostage exchange.


Senior Member
Registered Member
If you think about it, the speed with which the 2 Michaels were released shows the world indisputably that the Americans were trying to use Meng as a hostage in their negotiations with China; their claims of sanctions violations (illegal sanctions mind you) have been demonstrated to be false.

The entire world knows america is willing to break diplomatic norms ie kidnapping your family members and threatening them, in order to achieve their aims.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Yha o
Not a fan of how the Michaels were instantly released.

1. Meng was released on American terms. The acting U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution."
They can now further build the case against Huawei & legally target them not only in US but also in Europe on basis of her statement.

2. China always officially maintained that the 2 Michaels weren't in anyway linked with the Meng case. But them getting instantly released shows that this wasn't the truth and that there was no due process in their arrest or release and they were simply victims of hostage diplomacy.

Remember, Meng was never convicted but the Michales were and infact sentenced too. Both were not on the same pedestal. Espionage is a much much serious charge than what Meng was in for.

Also watch when the Michales land in Canada how they'll cry & claim they were tortured by Chinese authorities and fabricate all type of lies just to make them look like victims. At the end of the day thanks to American PR, Meng will be seen as a white collar fraud and the Michaels as victims.
Yeah I felt the same way. Although I'm sure we do not have all the information behind the scenes. I do feel that if it's been months of negotiations, the Chinese diplomats would have considered it. Unless they are that inexperience in international law and politics, that they didn't think of consequences that even we were able to think of.

I do feel china should have also spun some better PR. Maybe they still will?

I hope this won't turn out to be the same as the Cuban missile crisis where the Americans spun it into a PR victory even though they agreed to remove miss from Turkey but it looked like the Soviets blinked first.


Registered Member
Yha o

Yeah I felt the same way. Although I'm sure we do not have all the information behind the scenes. I do feel that if it's been months of negotiations, the Chinese diplomats would have considered it. Unless they are that inexperience in international law and politics, that they didn't think of consequences that even we were able to think of.

I do feel china should have also spun some better PR. Maybe they still will?

I hope this won't turn out to be the same as the Cuban missile crisis where the Americans spun it into a PR victory even though they agreed to remove miss from Turkey but it looked like the Soviets blinked first.

Seems like the US has or already or intends to ban Huawei in the US and has been trying to ban all type of tech from Huawei.. The only thing left is maybe US Huawei's staff and some cpu chicps. I wonder if Huawei would/could just ignore any us criminal case against it if the US went further with the bans..


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not a fan of how the Michaels were instantly released.

1. Meng was released on American terms. The acting U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution."
They can now further build the case against Huawei & legally target them not only in US but also in Europe on basis of her statement.

2. China always officially maintained that the 2 Michaels weren't in anyway linked with the Meng case. But them getting instantly released shows that this wasn't the truth and that there was no due process in their arrest or release and they were simply victims of hostage diplomacy.

Remember, Meng was never convicted but the Michales were and infact sentenced too. Both were not on the same pedestal. Espionage is a much much serious charge than what Meng was in for.

Also watch when the Michales land in Canada how they'll cry & claim they were tortured by Chinese authorities and fabricate all type of lies just to make them look like victims. At the end of the day thanks to American PR, Meng will be seen as a white collar fraud and the Michaels as victims.

I don't agree at all. It is a brilliant move by China. No sane person believed for a second these two cases are unrelated and that the whole thing is strictly legal and apolitical. The bottom line is the Not Guilty plead. U.S. blinked.

By releasing immediately, China is saying out loud that this is indeed a hostage exchange. You take one, I'll take two. China showed it is willing to play the same rough game and it won. China went head to head with the U.S. and the outcome will play very well with China's domestic audience and the rest of the non-Anglo world.

The U.S. already invoked 'National Security' against Huawei and doesn't need any more phoney excuse, let along one that its own judicial system dropped completely.

It will be interesting to see if the two Michaels will say anything or there is quid pro quo on Meng's gagging order.

Don't forget the third Canadian. I am guessing if Canada violates its private agreement, that drug peddler will die instead of getting his sentence commuted in 2022 for good prison behavior. What happens if the Michaels talk and this guy dies and then somehow the private agreement leaks out. The blood will be on Trudeau.
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