@Temstar bro its an American conundrum with AUKUS instead reinforcing its China pivot Its European allies feel exposed and this French outburst is just an example as others like Ukraine , Lithuania ,Poland and even Germany may share the same feeling of betrayal after following the American Diktat that is against their owned interest.
The beauty of China and Russia rapprochement plus the Iranian, it forces the US to overreach instead of using the Alliances system it had become a burden, the weight it carry is like that of Prometheus/Atlas carry the weight of the world while the Russian eagle eat its liver and the Chinese panda annoyingly tickle him with a bamboo leaf.
Yeah brother ...
The Americans are stupid beyond belief, the American political class is just a bunch of shits.
Did America lose the Vietnam War? The certainly lost the hearts and minds.
What happened in Afghanistan just three weeks ago? The Americans lost the war because they lost the hearts and minds.
We saw it live right in front of us on the internet. The Americans have no use for history. None whatsoever.
What did just happen? The American lead containment effort against China (which has been pretty weak so far) now is either dying or completely dead.
The Americans stabbed the French in the back.
But the Americans still believe the French are still on their side, against China.
This is due to the fact that the Americans only stabbed the French in the back, and they did NOT stab the French in their hearts or stab them in their minds.
They only stabbed them in the back.
Therefore, the French are still on America's side when it comes to containing China.
The Americans have no use for history. No doubt about it.