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AI and robotics go hand in hand. Can’t have effective robots without strong AI systems. Fortunately China is developing both instead of having to rely on another country for AI.
Drones also comes under robotics. no need to watch screens 24/7 by so many people. but basics is still quality of mechanical engineering.

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In 2023, Russian scientists developed a new-generation hybrid neural network to produce “brains” for drones. Portable AI modules allow drones to analyze terrain data in real time. As noted by specialists from the National Technology Initiative program, this development will significantly accelerate the development of unmanned aircraft systems.

"The system will help to cope with the limited supply of processors and graphics cards to Russia, which are necessary for the development and use of machine learning models, as well as the termination of service by foreign suppliers of existing IT systems. The presence of such technology on the market will also help small and large teams of UAS developers to use modern AI elements in drones with the possibility of their simplified training," NTI said.
Later, a similar program with a neural network was created at Rostec. The Central Research Institute "Cyclone" developed AI for optical drone detectors, which increased their detection range by 40%.


Lieutenant General
Republicans say things that their base likes to make them look strong. Whether it’s racism and white supremacy to religion. All to get the base to vote for and support them or make money from them. Hegseth’s crusader comments came from a book he wrote that he wanted to sell. When push comes to shove, they will be a bunch of cowards. Go ahead and try to wage a holy war on China. There won’t be a lot of takers on their side that will sacrifice their lives for it.


Junior Member
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Republicans say things that their base likes to make them look strong. Whether it’s racism and white supremacy to religion. All to get the base to vote for and support them or make money from them. Hegseth’s crusader comments came from a book he wrote that he wanted to sell. When push comes to shove, they will be a bunch of cowards. Go ahead and try to wage a holy war on China. There won’t be a lot of takers on their side that will sacrifice their lives for it.
Even less when this idiots actions end up tanking the economy and make all of their supports bankrupt and potentially homeless. In the medium to long term, his actions will destroy the USA, not save if like he says he wants to. A lot of problems in the USA is due to their uncontrollable extreme exceptionalism and racism, a lot of their problems would be solvable if they had just fixed that but they simply cannot do so.


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Don't like this guy one bit. This is akin to appointing a Nazi as a Secretary of State. This kind of character would be begging for war to happen. Luckily China is better prepared this time. There is much more military might and economic resilient than during Trump's first term.

Still, as the Ukraine War winds down, we should still keep vigilant for the next war. Once that war is over, I expect at least a one year gap before Trump attempts to provoke some kind of proxy war with China. The Korean Peninsula and the Philippines is looking very suspect these days.
Stupid and aggressive is the exact qualities China needs to be in charge of US military, and he maxed out on both stupid and aggressive. Although to be fair jury is still out on how much of it is an act,


Registered Member
Supremacist ideology is irrational and always ends up as some weird and nonsensical mess. I remember researching Nazi ideology a while back and I couldn't believe the rubbish I was reading, I just came to the conclusion that some people are just devils and their entire existence is to watch the world burn. At the end of the day, Trump and co want to wrap up the Russian-Ukrainian war, leave Europe to take charge of their own security and marshal resources to focus on containing China. Trump has torn down America's soft power and wants to use hard power to enforce American primacy.

What I wonder is what they plan to do to "contain" China though. Is it provoking China and baiting them to react so they can create a pretext to go to war? Is it coercing their vassals to punish China economically through tariffs and trade embargoes? Is it all of the above? Whatever the case may be China better anticipate what's coming and stay ready.
I think it's him and America who need to anticipate what's coming and stay ready.

Nothing like marching out 10 000 miles away against someone with 20x the logistics and better tech. When the water (money) is already running dry and you've just abandoned most of your allies.

It's going to end with Hegseth's friends drinking boba tea for what it is.


Registered Member
the "blankets" found might have just been a saree. some Indian woman probably shat herself and she didn't want to bring it back because others would have smelled it so she thought it's gonna be fine to just flush it.
TFW you realise India’s faeces obsessed culture has its national dress function also as toilet paper, yet it’s people still wipe their ass with their left hand.
Supremacist ideology is irrational and always ends up as some weird and nonsensical mess. I remember researching Nazi ideology a while back and I couldn't believe the rubbish I was reading, I just came to the conclusion that some people are just devils and their entire existence is to watch the world burn. At the end of the day, Trump and co want to wrap up the Russian-Ukrainian war, leave Europe to take charge of their own security and marshal resources to focus on containing China. Trump has torn down America's soft power and wants to use hard power to enforce American primacy.

What I wonder is what they plan to do to "contain" China though. Is it provoking China and baiting them to react so they can create a pretext to go to war? Is it coercing their vassals to punish China economically through tariffs and trade embargoes? Is it all of the above? Whatever the case may be China better anticipate what's coming and stay ready.
look at who trump as staffed into his White House from Navarro to Hegseth to Rubio. It’s a white American supremacist regime and they’ve simply gone mask off; in fact the five eyes are obsessed with white Anglo primacy that they have declared jihad against China simply for the crime of existing and besting them in life. You don’t see this level of obsessive genocide amongst Europeans towards Chinese because they don’t have the same things to lose as the Anglos do. Anglos stand to lose hegemony, dollar hegemony and otherwise. If I had my way, I would confiscate the territories of the five eyes as well t9 boot.


DW News again... :rolleyes:

An "expert", who "lived in China for years", said: (Start from 7:29)

Here are some of the top comments about the interview:
4 days ago (edited)
A very outdated view, too bad no matter how hard you try, it won't fool the world anymore. Everyone looks at the result. Cheaper goods means affordability, more than 90% of home ownership means less homelessness. Enormous achievement in high tech sector industries for the future. You keep saying the economy is in trouble with 5% gdp's growth, compared to any EU's country, US, UK, Canada etc. who is ahead, who is in trouble?

4 days ago
This expert attended 15 such gatherings in China but still knows next to nothing about china and still espouses the same liberal dribbles about China. Such an unwillingness to learn and engage with China.

4 days ago
This guy doesn't have a clue about China.

3 days ago
This guy Clifford is a "china Analyst" LMAO

4 days ago
22 minutes of a Westerner coping hard.

3 days ago
This person's understanding of China is quite superficial

4 days ago
Why isn’t the EU more innovative despite all the freedom this expert keeps praising? Honestly, this guy doesn’t even know how to lie convincingly...

4 days ago
This man is so biased lol

4 days ago
This guy knows nothing about Chinese and its culture.

Today's gaslighting in Western MSM:

Democracy in the West:

As though we need more evidence that there is no freedom of speech in the US and Americans are among the most brainwashed and oppressed people in the world:


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Good lord… Reads like a less anti-Semitic version of the Turner Diaries…
攘外必先安内。 To fight the enemy without you mist first pacify the enemy within.

I, for one, would greatly encourage Generalissimo Hegseth to first purge the woke elements within the US before defeating the evil communists.


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US, China discuss a Trump-Xi summit for June, WSJ reports​

March 10 (Reuters) - The U.S. and China are in early stage discussions about a potential "birthday summit" in June in the U.S. between President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing sources.
Scmp say maybe april in beijing?
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