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Registered Member
Cancerous...since Europe treat their relation with China's not based on their merit but rather as and when they need economic support due to frayed tussle with US. China should not be so docile as to resume talk, but put forth condition demanding normalisation of EUV export to China as a precondition.
Full opening of markets for Chinese EV, PHEV and ICE vehicles, Huawei, IT infrastructure and operating systems, and as a sign of goodwill, seizure and dissolution of US corporate assets.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Cancerous...since Europe treat their relation with China's not based on their merit but rather as and when they need economic support due to frayed tussle with US. China should not be so docile as to resume talk, but put forth condition demanding normalisation of EUV export to China as a precondition.
I understand that China sees the recent US-EU rift as an opportunity, but I believe they are granting EUnuchs way more respect than they actually deserve. China should make the EUnuchs beg for cooperation, instead of trying to court them. It is EU that is currently in a desperate situation, not China!


Lieutenant General
I'm honestly in awe at how China managed to maintain the perception of "neutral" to Europeans, despite Xi meeting with Putin twice a year to reaffirm the two country' unlimited partnership, how China and Russian defence ministers meet multiple times a year to talk about deep military cooperation, how Chinese drones are directly responsible for the destruction of 90% of all western vehicles and armour, and how China is the biggest contributor to collective west getting economically crushed.

There is enough for historians and psychologists to analyze for an entire department to be made.

It’s called soft power of course!

Jokes aside, you think for one second the collective west would play such hilarious mental gymnastics if China was weak militarily? If China was as rich as it is today, but only had its military from 1990, the west would be demanding China enact more stringent sanctions against Russia compared to themselves, or they would literally invade.

There is only one universal truth to geopolitics, hard power trumps all other considerations. With enough hard power, the other side will do the soft power work for you to find a way to explain to their own populous why they don’t want to start shit with you, and their populous will gladly eat it up knowing it’s bullshit. Because you will curbstomp their ass if they tried, and no one wants to be curbstomped.

After all, no deception can ever be as effective as self deception.


Registered Member
China believes in what Patton said,"patriotism is NOT dying for your country but make the other sob die for his"-like I said before westoids can dish it out(especially if you're defenceless) but can they take it?Even now I hear bleats of "we are not engaged in an arms race in the Pacific with China","peace,negotiation and diplomacy" from the Pentagon???wow!! peace through strength,si vis pacem parabellum!!

That quote I saw in a movie a long time ago.

Cannot find it now in the historical records.

This is the closest I could find.

Wonder if the new Yalta meeting will go down like this.
