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I think he is the real deal. The plans on Europe and overall anti US strategies are very thought out, long drawn and still managed to be succesful. It's especially impressive when you consider that for ~80% of his tenure, he was working with a smaller economy than US.

He managed to make countries which should in theory all unite to fight China instead start infighting and obstruct eachother.

It’s all impressive until you realize that 98 percent of Western China experts are functionally illiterate in the Chinese language and routinely dismiss anything from China as knockoffs. It’s like clubbing seals or beating mentally disabled children at chess.


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Freedom of speech in the West, today's cases in point:

Gaslighting article of the day:

Well said.
The U.S., not anyone else, is responsible for the fentanyl crisis inside the U.S. In the spirit of humanity and goodwill towards the American people, we have taken robust steps to assist the U.S. in dealing with the issue. Instead of recognizing our efforts, the U.S. has sought to smear and shift blame to China, and is seeking to pressure and blackmail China with tariff hikes. They’ve been PUNISHING us for helping them. This is not going to solve the U.S.’s problem and will undermine our counter-narcotics dialogue and cooperation.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes he is certainly qualified, but he is not some sort of geopolitical genius by any sense. A good analogy would be a very good senior tech lead in a company. Runs the team exceptionally well, highly technical, x10 developer and could mentor juniors as well as debug any production problem without breaking a sweat. Is he a tech visionary like Steve Jobs? Not really. But considering that his competition are geopolitical equivalents of OF models who are more adept at sucking a D than balancing a binary tree then he must look like a friggin visionary.
Wang Huning is among the most influential geopolitical thinkers of our times. Your dismissal is embarrassingly childish, shallow, silly, and so so wrong. It is like suggesting Push-Ups is the right metric to compare a five-star general and a regular grunt. Looks like your world view/low ceiling is a small software team. The world is a lot bigger and more complex than the little pothole you live under. The skill set to influence and guide the lives of over a billion people is obviously incomprehensible to you (to you, just cheap and easy magic tricks that anyone can do with practice). Wang, since his youth in academia, served as the most trusted counselor and brain to three generations of China's senior leadership and still there. The slogans he came up for Jiang, Hou, and Xi are written into China's Constitution. He is also the author of the Belt and Road Initiative and instrumental in the creation of AIIB, SCO, and BRICS. He is the puppet master behind China's very successful navigation on the world stage in the last three decades. If we agree China is much stronger politically today than before, Wang is a key contributor.